Inverse Mania

In the theater box of the presently known world, there are clearly rivaling factions of insulated societal drivers that are totally committed to achieving monopolistic ends. These monopoly objectives are being pursued with relentlessly selfish means and utter contempt for any collatteral. The actual individuals, leaders, and members of the monopoly groups pursuing domination are mysterious. They are most known by family name. It’s a list of crime family names. Like all historical bullet points of social “progress” clearly shows that, stop at nothing, crime combines have no use for the truth. Inverting truth is the primary tool, and there is an intense disdain for fact. Any expectation that the disdainful will operate on any principle of virtue is, has, and always will be dashed. This is the absolute nature of the organized operatives and orchestrated operations of those that have founded entire movements on virtue inversion. The dedication to fallacious announcements, instructions, descriptions, and structures is impressive, however, the profound incoherence of researchable reality in this theater box demonstrates in stark relief that, in official terms, most often two plus two will equal five.

Evolution Revolution

As the departure from the modern world continues, less and less time is spent on the broadcast news. The relief of deleterious effect of the information infection on the mind is welcome. The strategy of going slow with news exposure is not for everyone. The extent to which current events doctoring, by inside agents, and reporting, by corporate media, fans flames of discontent among people is debatable, however, there are interesting and progressive discussions happening that do not much revolve around the latest breaking news, outrage, or scandal. Balanced macroscopic world viewing includes the chaos of the modern “civilized” world along with a stubborn calmness within the emotionally stable.There are islands of calm in the seas of inflammatory controversy. It is more than possible to stand, with conviction, on grounded principle without having to fight. Argument is a tool of the provocateur. Conflict, and all the excuses for it, allow access for the intentionally problematic persuasion elements for disunion. Acrimony only gets one so far. Short of satire, we’ll effort to unlock the vault of reason and effective clarity.

To speak one’s truth… The patterned corporate orchestration of destabilization is serving to breakdown civility, humanization, and intuition. Yet, certain instincts are difficult to dislodge from the essential self of soul beings. For instance, nobody potentially knows freedom like those that lose it. A progressive constriction of liberty and freedom in the modern world has risen an alert in many to declare and guard their own. This revolution, prompted by systematic corporate attack is as much a result of the assault as the psych damage and disability the attack is intended for. The weaponized insurgency has a legacy that is leaked into public discourse. This leaking is eye opening. Historical admissions of mind control, false flags, and propaganda are some examples. Once this stuff is seen, it can’t be unseen, Then as the willingness to acquiesce to corporate programming falls off, manifest changes of awakening are not too hard to identify. A worms turns. The rhetoric stops. Communions happen with healthy, accurate, references to the trouble makers of the world. Outrage can wait because grounded people (and there are many) do not knuckle under to the temptation to respond in unprincipled ways. This is an exercise of freedom. The sovereignty inherent in this action is more valuable than all the gold the corporate kleptocrats are, and have been, grabbing. The deployed weaponry of disunity don’t work on everyone. In fact, the exact tools used to tear down, transformed, are the exact things that builds up. It’s an evolution revolution.

Mysteriously wandering the stony wilderness of the places around our home, a youth found layers and layers of wonder in the boulders, trees, streams, sticks and stones along the path of discovery that chance would have this one wander. Discovery includes the basic of culture; bliss. Always new, always leading, always full of imagination and wonder is the young one engaged in a harmonious unity of all. As the ants, minnows, rustles, and birds celebrate the togetherness of nothing in particular the entire community is lived by life. Divinity has its expression without anything fore or aft to weigh down the now. This innocence can not be destroyed by calculation science social engineering. This grown youth is beyond the persuasion of the masked authorities of rape, dismemberment, gutting, and blood letting. The healthy skeptic, with all the flaws, isn’t falling into the pit of misery which bands of parasites swarm to to feed. Keep your medicine, keep your noise. As Bob Dylan said, “You play with our world, like it’s your little toy.” and all these sick games do more than just disarm and scar. They bolster the seer. They embolden the meek. They point the the direction to wisdom, coherence, the freedom one may crave. Take note of the direction the controllers say go. Pause just one minute and let real memories flow. Tip the cap to the demons, and go the opposite way.

Metaphysical Training

I was listening again to Al Belek’s description of the Philadelphia Experiment. It is an incredibly intriguing story that climaxes with a quantum generator, on board the USS Eldridge, creating an electromagnetic field with reality capacities beyond any ordinary conception. According to legend, during the Experiment there were personal on board the Eldridge when the on board invisibility technology was turned on in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. The ensuing happening put everything within the field about the Eldridge into quantum surreality. The Eldridge move dimensionally, in time and space. The experiment ran its course in about ten minutes before the electronics running the generator were turned off. The results were mind blowingly disastrous; indeed fatal for some. Ultimately the circumstances were unreconcilable for the ordinary mind, the personalities of the sailors that lived were broken, and all the information about the events were rapidly pushed into classified secrecy. The magnetic and radio frequency fields of this variety are more than a person in an ordinary frame of mind can tolerate. Yet, Belek proposes, “With proper training, … If you could expand your aura, and do a number of other protective things. you could probably protect yourself against those magnetic and RF fields.” Protection!

Years ago I conjured up the notion of a field filter. A filter to protect the immediate space in which I believe I reside. It was prompted by the conviction that the environment was being manipulated, polluted, and toxic. The awful truth that there are organized groups working deliberately to manipulate, control, and poison the population at large is very difficult to reconcile. The reach of illness, death, and despair is unchecked in the shared reality terrestrial bubble in which most of us agree that we exist. There is a vital need for protection. If one endeavors is live freely and pursue liberty, purposeful population control elements are going to have to be accounted for. It is a matter of choice which infected news, media, and information sources to use, but protection from the unseen frequencies and nano tech swarming about us is a more esoteric type of choice. The weaponized tech raining down and pouring on is designed for health, mood and mind control. A full spectrum tech invasion is, and has been, bearing down on us all . Metaphysically speaking, we’re swamped. The field filter (aura expansion) serves as a force field. By actively and intentionally matching the frequencies of unhealthy particle matter and harmful electromagnetic frequencies protection can be generated from it. Thus, the weaponized technology is rendered less effective at reaching, injuring, and sickening us. Protection working one by one, by one and another.

The mere fact that these thoughts are being expressed is an example of how distressingly negatively leveraged society is. Destiny and fate certainly have innumerable directions in which to unfold. There’s no way that all of those directions include the necessity of having to work against down pressing control poison. Yet, it would seem that in the immediate right here and now, accessing another fate place means that this down pressure attack must be dealt with.

We need help; seriously effective wellness strategy and help. Real metaphysical instructors are in as great a need as ever. The battling conspirators that are driving the full spectrum controls of civilization have long over played their hands. Rivaling control groups are turning up the volume of wickedly unhealthy programs in a stupefying race to a bottom. Societal engineers are now constantly manipulating esoteric energetic systems while duping population with materialistic sleight of hand. We’re all hypnotized by what we’re taught is reality while our own liberty fortune is fleeced. It is bad news as far as survivability and personal/group growth is concerned. Genuine metaphysical lessons would be really useful; like yesterday. So, why not start now? At least one field filter has been in play to one degree or another for some time now. Hearing Belek make an otherwise unrelated reference to metaphysical protection is a real encouragement to take the cue, treat it as help, and reinforce this protection.