Extra! Extra! Read all about it!! Breaking new. Another flash current events driven spectacular just broke. “Reporters” promote the headlines of the day, pushing choice subject matter. Developing stories of the hour make up a body of reporting constructed to “inform”. As subjects of the intended recipient gaggle of versions of journalism, we absorb directed intelligence in the form of news. As fantastical, surprising, and sublime as reports may be and are, we subjects are impacted with impressionable bombshells that create indelible dents, folds, and persuasions in our thoughts and minds. We are under an influence. World view, self sense, relations, attitudes, and evolution are all held in the balance. The recipient is, in a strong way, at the mercy of the news mover. Without sturdy discernment, and critical thought, the news consumer can be led to attitude places of very questionable relevance and value. Virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and the looming menace of persistent propaganda are conditioners. It feels like it might be wise to transition from the place of not believing everything you hear to not believing anything you hear. Socrates say, “…they can only see shadows on the wall.”
Over time the allegory of the cave may have just as well have become a cave within cave within cave within a… Who knows how far Earth’s body of collective souls have been removed from the actuality of our shared reality. There have been manipulative forces operating the levers of control for generations. For any guess, right now almost every belief has to be jaundiced and prejudiced. It might very well be considered that every word and every image is delivered through media is for propagandistic purpose. Actually, right now, it seems naive to think that virtual reality generators are not at work generating and ingredients of all reporting. As CIA Director William J Casey said years ago, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” Even this quote is now fact checked into doubt. This all leads to a most burdensome question. How heavy a karmic load is the collective of sentience of the earth realm able to bear?
If the images of the war torn landscapes about the world are accurate in any way, we are in a critically balanced world of hurt. Looking at, and/or, describing ANYTHING in an apolitical way is not easy. That may not mean that much, but the gut is saying that there’s a reckoning either happening, or about to. There is just no way that this many communities worldwide can be displaced and destroyed without a reckoning. The karma load is just too heavy. Take it for whatever that may be worth. That’s one way things are being seen.