Field Filter

The corporations that claim ownership of societal narration, governments,  the land, and everything on it have, by absurdity, jettisoned their credibility. Free thought pioneers recognizing the threat-lie perpetuated by hijacked official sources, are above control, and awake. Their exposure efforts are resulting in a chain reaction wake up. Social controllers are neurotic panic artists to begin with, but now it’s industrial panic. The result is the embargo of corporate good will, voracity, and justice. With exponential rapidity, societal/cultural procession has reached a singularity of futility and failure, promise and prayer. Necessarily, the ground of natural order, or balance correction, is now firmly established for a quantum paradigm shift. Survival, as it is, of memorial will, is going to require a higher degree of truth acceptance than the majority know right now. That acceptance leads to disconnection from the control grid, and control agencies are in the throes of intense application of toxic control element dispersion in order to hold back the building tide of positive awareness. The resulting environmental impact is heavy duty. Living conditions suffer, and suffer big time. Health disorders, collective un-wellness, and the proceeding biodiversity crash make it obvious that living creatures of planet earth need a protection plan that supersedes the security sham plan we’re told is, “for our own good”, and to keep us safe. The vast majority of human populations are having a security plan imposed on them by an untrustworthy complex. The Hegelian Dialectic in contemporary terms is at cosmic proportion, and the scientific eugenic controls are veiled in contradiction, secrecy, microwave science, and nano science making them hide-able and deniable. They’re not sensed in an ordinary way, but the fallout is unmistakable. Since the security plan, that’s being rammed down our throats, is being brought on by the same agents and agencies that also are the threat, it’s major league clear that any real protection has got to come from some where else.

While daydreaming awake, and contemplating what we’re exposed to in the environment, I perceived a field; a bio energy field with filtering features. A fluxing force field, tuned specifically to filter the harmful frequencies, metals, genes, and molecules that are industrially thrust upon us in the modern world. The dream field has a magnetic feature that prevents the atmospherically sprayed metal nano particles from reaching the lungs and skin. By not being absorbed, the negative neurological effects and cognitive damage that inhibits energy/spirit state raising is forestalled. Nervous system health is protected. A pineal contribution, to the wellness field, creates an EMF correction protection. Harmful microwaves are corrected so that the personal frequencies, which are of good health, are not skewed, interrupted, and interfered with. Much healthier biorhythmic flow, phase, and intensity is allowed, and body’s energies are protected. The personal force field acts as a UV filter so sunlight can be absorbed without the unwanted DNA damaging UV bands which interfere with our updating and DNA upgrades. Code health is protected. This filter field is a consciousness project of practice. The need for intuitive, wholistic, homeopathic, and shamanic help here is real. Prerequisite numero uno??? Wake up, and recognize the need.

The inversion of societal security and sustenance systems in the civilized world. (If you want to call it that.) is highly evolved. The systems are more harmful than helpful, and as harmful as ever. In accordance with the force field of protection, there’s got be to some very real cooperation. Cooperatively reunite with nature. Dig in on the interconnectedness of all. All our liberties and fortunes are inextricably linked. Access, access the rhythms of being; of well being. About and about the night-day phase of permanent, preeminent knowingness about the actuality of our individual wellness. Individual to collective growth illuminating and growing together with more and more peoples, species, and formerly outcast spontaneously disenfranchised provocateurs of incomprehensible conception. Outrage is in, and in without complaint. Abandon the full force concoction of normalcy for the formerly hidden truth of self and selves. Abandon conventional wisdom, embrace eternal diversity and paradox in the field of ok. Dig real food, clean water, fresh air, non-industrialized medicine, and an honest effort to harmonize acutely and overtly. Within the safety of the self generated filter field, a health and state of the being raises and integrates with being fields creating an amoebic collective of healing, rejuvenating a new wellness.

The atmosphere is growing of dwindling indifference. Compassion expressed for us and all, from me to you, you to you to me, to all, and everything everywhere in cosmically open love. The field filter, the toroidal field of our own, is in collection, buying each who brings it into effect, the enforcement of authenticity which overrides the techno-klepto system that is programmed to bleed us down. It’s indiscriminately killing everything in an omniblast of loss to the undead. The bleed out scenario is happening. It  goes through to termination. It can’t not. It’s been chosen by those that have rejected by source Light. For those of us under the influence of the energy harvest bleed out, we can wake out of the spell and choose the well. The ill filter field protects the soul of the sentient through the transcendental split of the awakening planetary rebirth salvation. Spirits unite in the encouragement schema; freedom, liberty, compassion and love protect.

It’s OK

It wasn’t him, and it was. Like an indecisive ghost in a mirror. As usual, he was driven by a carnal urge he could not resist. Again, and again, and again he would hit a wall of repressed desire. Lacking the courage to trust another with sharing his drive in the light, he resorted to hiding it in the dark. With each passing devastation, the realization of what he had done brought on an unwelcome shock form, resulting in the insistent burial of another guarded secret. No one can ever know. Remorse cut the mind like an antique plow through helpless earth.. Tendrils of denial pealed down like savaged cellophane in a hurricane. Preserving favor, and unfounded image, now ranked as an exceedingly high priority. Rationals of denial race, and rage, to desperate panic. “I’m not capable of this! I would never do that!”, his inside screamed. A hideous lie of unexpected proportion presents itself  in an imagination flash. If I never do it again, it’s as if it never happened! The destructive nature of this lie, the inherent conflict it seeded, and the inevitable collapse it forebode would be as sure as gravity.

Favor has fallen. Here, dressed in the dire consequence rags of grief, he began to wonder, “How did this get so screwed up?” Each compartment of life which had provided effective secrecy, satisfaction, and safety delay for so long, was crumbling with surges of exposure panic. Now the alternative versions of himself, that had allowed him to pursue unadulterated pleasure on impulse, began to conflict in convulsions; spastic pulses of rejection, misery, and failure. Hardship jolts vaulted on him from every angle. Identity trouble now slammed, as full on, identity crisis. Seemingly everyone, and everything was bearing down on him with feverish demand. Down came the demand for payment, compensation, and answers. Conflict reigned supreme. Now abjectly torn, emotionally blown apart, shredded, and left for forgotten waste. It sounded like a siren going off in the head. With no relief or reprieve, ideas of panic, and survival screamed. Alive!? In the colossal rip down he fell apart.

As had the internal collapse proceeded, so had the outside experience reality. Linked, the internal conflict had borne the external one. Proportional, outer manifest inner. Without effective realization of the kind, he had actually, inadvertently, created his reality. Indeed a prisoner of his own device. Presently, with all his potential harmonies asunder, He’s reduced to a walking, talking, creaking, contradiction in terms, arriving at the threshold of a death trip, to be known in the form of a supreme paradigm challenge. By choice, break and shift, or break and continue to the next level of intensified discord. Bleary exhaustion poured on like lava at night. With no push back remaining came resignation in peace and a voluptuous vision of curiously known hope. Alive breath streamed a fashion formerly unbelievable. It’s ok. Gratefully smashed, all resistance is totally lost. Through the vision emanates a personally full mandala. Requisite with the harmony of full on horror and majestic bliss, the formerly divided versions of his self united. In spite of imperfect recognition, the conflict melts into the All in All. By means of this exploded concept field the psychic growth spurt responds pleasantly calm to carry the dark gently, effortlessly into the withholding light field. Harmony and the instant eternity awareness now sinking blindly and deafly to a sensation suspension equaling purity. Hello. Welcome. You’re welcome alive. With conflict in retreat, souls heal, worlds streamline, promise blossoms, and spontaneous fruition joy explodes in mass gestures of copious volumes of love driven help and support. It’s ok!

The Sub-Atomic Dream

The immediate now of our collective terrestrial experience can, and likely should, be characterized as being critically intense. The uncontested reality of planetary mass extinction of plant and animal speaks for itself. It’s a nightmare! A dark devastating destruction is happening in the blindness field of popular denial and unawareness. The unfolding dire straights reality is the manifestation of the wicked dark force vision of exploitation that knowingly, willfully, neurotically,  sacrifices life for a most exclusive personal greed gain. These dark un-dead beings, that can only experience life by stealing it, have mustered, and hijacked, enough influence to dominate a big part of the planetary reality with an illness vision which is leaving, basically all the rest of us, without the life sustaining, living, biospheric spaceship we call earth.  Two big balance components have now become virtually impossible to not see. One is multi various ecosystem implosions of environmental collapse all over the world. The other is the intentional poisoning of the land, sea, and space which is fueling it. Under the lie-guise of fraudulent narrative of economic necessity; finance and industry has put the local cosmic dream of super abundance in mad jeopardy. This is a contemporary problem, that right now, looks virtually impossible to solve. It is getting late; early.

Ready belief in the “impossible” is an ordinary normal in a dream. The absolute defiance of ordinary reality is common. The visionary self involves the imagination for captured truth without bound. To get inside, inside the molecule, inside the atom, and consciously affect it’s state in the unlimited expanse of it’s own possibility. Grow love. Grow compassion. Reduce hate/greed, and leeway freedom. The process begins, and continues by cycling survival gestalt. There are real dream body controls gripping all of us. By chemical influence, and mind/ritual control, dream wellness integrity suffers, and trails off in insignificance. Trivialized as something like another form of entertainment, the dream is largely missed and dismissed. If we’re gonna make it, and survive pending demise the current state of ourselves, the more ultimate selves, will need to come to the fore. Wake up, to our own, in the expanse of the Consciousness found form all about, and enhance the chance of transcending the death grind to survive.

Tendrils of expectancy in the forever void. Like genesis. Like creation. Infinity impresses it’s informal formality with subtle idea, imagery, and form flashing deja vu. Ideas in-sensed irregular regularity of instant wave form infinity points. Man, there’s a lot of room in here?! In the infinity of the infinitesimal flows residual possibility upon possibility upon possibility upon… The birth charge, a chakra, disappears and reappears remarkably disguised, shifted, removed, and re-figured with the flashing parameters of that which is in the immediate moment about the point of a collapsed wave function And now waiting, with the controlled calm anticipation of a spider monitoring the tension of it’s web, a watcher, a cosmic watcher, in the spawning dream field of possibility, to decide. Reality beckons. Silent dark perfecter; the curiosity spree of innocence and wonder. Tingling glisten charms a micro plasma squeeze of the crystal brilliance engine for creative luminosity. Expressive divine. Alert! It’s no one, nowhere, here, forever, and not. The sub atomic multi dimensional vertices twist the spacial  expression, and quantum state. Anything is possible. Self luminous and binding, the presage is flexing like breath.    … Inception of form.

It’s a dream. It’s a dream within a Dream. Awakening to the sensations of perhaps, definition, longing, love, and gesture. The walk spoil and wander bliss evaporative without atmosphere, or confinement rules, registers in an entanglement of perpetually confused blinding surprise, and sublime direction. Objective unity elusive, and unavoidable. It’s the making of the harmonious One in the divinity field of micro psych atomic harmony. To dream, to continue to dream, without proper identification, hesitation, confinement, or external control means expression purity, freedom, and quantum coincidental explosions of potentially flourishing life abundance. In purity, minus death throw control, and in spite of the failing pictures of exploitation and death from the goth vampiric “temporary” of planetary holographic perversion, love lurks. It lurks in the sub atomic molecular mind of infinite possibility, bliss, the paradox of truth, the restlessness of birthing clarity, peace, and the planetary dream body collective. It is self (selves) made. The timely desire, and voracious passion, for fullness drives the conjuring neurology engine into the mystic chi vastness of unlimited potential for light body ecstasy and abundance. Organically chosen by Nature’s wholistic desire, the ceiling of possibility explodes with wonder, horror, relentless attention, fairness, surprise, and joy. In communion and harmony with the spheres, as well as, the radioactive echo of creation, we witness beings may evolve as love agents in thriving communities of abundance, radiance, resiliency, and endurance; or, in disunion, not.  With enough persuasive force, temptation hovers relentlessly existential like dark seductive beauty, self serving defiance, unfairness, and secret flesh density pleasure lust. The fair antidote is the heart charm of light love desire, charity, and compassion. Create the scene formerly unseen, in which abundance shines in blossoms of cooperation, collective ecstasy, and Ground based veneration. The massive majestic minuscule dreamer beats inclusively in the field of totality.  Totality, Itself, has the inputer of true expression, eventual real information which results in reality manifest. We may lend ours in the body of It. Offer it to the greatest aspect of what may be by virtue, rightness, and surrounding inclusion calling, the dream(s) within the Dream and it’ll prove to heal our suffering contemporary now. If it’s life to be, let it…   Choice? Choice. Choice.


The Consciousness Exploration of the Unaware

Reality is created, and de-created, by consciousness.  The characteristics of perceived reality is about the state and level of the present consciousness, evolving as a function of awareness. Penultimate awareness is unavailable to almost everyone, however, functional awareness isn’t. It seems fair to say that the quality of a reality is directly proportional to the quality of the experience for those experiencing it. So, the quality of local, to planetary, reality, and it’s evolution are in the balance. The logistic balance of, timeless, spaceless, awareness. Without succumbing to the outrage reports of regurgitated programmed redundancy, and facing up to reports of true, on the ground, intrepid reporting, it’s pressingly obvious that there are legions of individuals, and desperately real groups of people, plant, and animal, for whom life experience has become very difficult, distressing, diseased, and powerfully hostile, Not to mention that the planet is wildly polluted and having unprecedented burn down. There’s a dark force contribution to our mutually shared reality, and while it’s surely, cosmically, balanced by light, there’s a landslide of trouble for a lot of beings right now, and it speaks to an effectively gross lack of awareness among a substantial number of our fellow earthlings. Humans hold a lot of cards here! And it’s become clear we’re not playing with a full deck.

So, what do you know!? How is it known? How certain are beliefs? How willingly are beliefs challenged? Why? Why not? Questions, questions, and questions about the rudiments about what is known, why it’s known, and how consistent, even with itself, is it? For example, what do we believe, say, about the sturdiness of big city buildings? It’s fair to say that a nearly all of us belief that the construction is sound, sturdy, reliable, and virtually, totally safe. How many of us are reluctant to enter big buildings because we think it’s gonna come down with us in it, on it, or under it? Juxtapose this belief with the official story of WTC building 7’s collapse. Alert! Ignorance is not an excuse. Mutually exclusive believing is like the touchstone of the lack of awareness. The unfolding reality which proceeds from the corresponding consciousness of confoundingly confusing beliefs is dire. This example is a profound metaphor for the forced, and enforced, line of narrative crap that is force fed, and repeated through our, so called, civilized social systems of media, medicine, education, entertainment, and archive. It’s resulting in the take down of life by man’s own, founded in unawareness, choice.

Hope is in the explosion of the programmed “normal”. A vast, mass, psychic upheaval resulting in the displacement of trained, entrenched, willful ignorance and personal pleasure pursuit in favor of critical free thought, restored sensitivity for the extinction illness plight of so many of our fellow travelers, and a breakthrough of awareness about the placebo and industrial disintegration of our forgotten, denied, consciousness capacity. We make our reality. Internal un-wellness and unawareness roots the dystopian fever of helplessness, burnt skin, starvation, dashed promise, torturous cancer, neurologic decay, spellbinding stupidity, ultra violence, injustice, and hate. Meanwhile, the internally well trumpet the salvation of truth in the wailing refrain sounding conquer, “Wake up!”

What disunited, disconnected, selfishness sycophants fail to realize is that denial results in continuing down the power grip path of progressive failure; inevitably resulting in waste, distaste, and dishonorable inauthenticity; disaster! The unaware squander the positive postulates of bliss, and cultivate, ashes in the mouth, witness to the horror of materialistic greed. By the disfavor of forfeiting the essentials of enterprise, to the factions that have orchestrated choruses of discordant purposeful confusion for the expressed purpose of confusing and exploiting us and the world we’re on, we all sink through lowering energetic density levels to the really eventual death bottom of dark. There’s a turnaround in store, but are any of us prepared for the singularity transitive rapture it is!? Wake up! Re-look outside in.

Consciousness creates reality. What else could be expected for a big part of our personal/collective experience but hardship when we’ve got heads full of junk, ideas full of holes, disunity belief systems, blood/brains contaminated with aluminum, thiomersal (and who knows what else: vaccinations!), not to mention, intense opiate fentanyl proliferation, and massive environmental toxicity that’s being poured, pricked, and sprayed on us at an industrial rate. Meaningful color, light, and life experiences are fading from our temporal perceptibility like a none stop ebb tide. Not only is our ability to counteract this progression warped and handicapped by having no recognition, we largely don’t/can’t care. We’re apathetic! This fall is the cosmic PK effect of a Cartesian implosion that has secretively permeated the ground of our existence with the vast majority of humans providing tacit consent to the programming, all because other versions of ourselves, and ourselves, bought lies that were being created, and perpetuated, by self imposed authorities that never had a survivability stake in this planetary experience to begin with. This is resource exploitation at the galactic level, and the human mind capacity has dwindled down to the contempt place which has us really believing we’re the drivers of the universe through technology, and the the mystic is the one that is cracked. Wrong. Dead wrong.

The sure bright spot is in the awakened, free thinking, heroes that have realized that the true shame is in not challenging conventional norms, sharing stuff that “sounds nuts”, braving mockery and alienation, and providing wellness charity in the creative expressions of truth that ARE still accessible. By virtue of generous unitive prayer, compassion, love, random acts of kindness, that make life experience joyful, even if it’s only for an instant, and practicing an alertness which increases awareness we raise consciousness. Every, really every, little bit importantly counts.

The Drop Star

Sitting on the back porch; taking a minute to collect some calm before starting the day. I’m just about to move, and then hesitate. There’s a noticeable approach at the perimeter of the yard. It’s a deer. It’s a medium sized deer. It steps over the threshold of camouflage, and into the yard. With a cautious deliberate pace it moves slowly, but surely across the back yard. The deer stops, looks roughly in this direction, flicks it’s ears, and finally reaches down to forage. In a frozen moment I see a star light shining directly behind-beyond the animal. A pin point star light is visible just above the feeding deer’s shoulders. What is that!?

I’m looking roughly to the south, or maybe a bit southeast into a wooded area. The light is coming from a point about 150 feet away. The light point is in front of a tree trunk, which is a dark screen background for the light point. It is just passed sunrise. While above the horizon, and creating daylight, the sun itself is blocked by the uphill direction to the east, and the trees between it and here. Transfixed by the light point, I’m caught staring directly at it. Hmmmm… It must be a water drop on the leaf of a small tree or bush. It was raining earlier this morning. A water drop; a star drop to be seen. It’s redirecting the sun ray right to my eye, and I’ve caught it. The star drop shines. Now brighter. Now fading, only to return growing even brighter still. Color!! Shades light green pink undulating and waving with the subtle breeze force on the leaf and it’s star drop. How temporary is this!? Not only is the sundial effect in motion, but the rain drop had to be right there, right then!! This star window drop, and rainbow prism, has an observer (randomly observing) here right now too. What a remarkable long shot! The chance of a freakishly far-out, total long shot!!

There is no separation in the inclusiveness of the moment, about which swings eternity. My being is this alertly present by chance and spiteful  preparation. By meditating to a minimum, the limitations of expectation, distraction, and disconnection, I’m available for this light stream of the current surrealistic fortune to reach me. The sheet of eternity spreads over the moment as awareness. Limited and capricious destiny collapses into a point; continuously regenerating as manifest flux and change. I am present by chance in the vast wonder of unknowing. All in a pin point, defiant of time and space, while immeasurably consistent with it. This is a spot metaphor for unbounded mystery, possibility, and the uncertainty of raw mysticism beaming it’s truth; anything is possible!. There is no separation. The sun, it’s light, the drop, and eye are synched, concurrent with the totality of all connected.  Bliss…

This is mind blowing! My consciousness implodes; then explodes about the far out possible odds of happening. To calculate the odds that those exact hydrogen atoms would fuse, releasing this stream of photonic light, that follows this specific cosmic path through the solar system, bending through this star drop, and reaching the eye of an accidentally prepared observer are beyond astronomical!! Statistically impossible, yet, beautifully sure. This is true of everything! There’s no such a thing as impossible. It’s belief based. Truth is a consciousness exploration. Now the still wonder point of observation transcends limitation by imagination. I’m reminded of William Blake’s observation, “Imagination is the body of God.” It feels strongly sure that now is the time to stick to the building mystic discipline, and practice, of dreaming reality to be, keep materialism in it’s proper holographic context, avoid down density controls, slow down, and remain as alert and aware as can be. Slow down. Slow down. There’s a better chance to catch It.

Saving the Dream

Awake with his eyes closed. Morning? In the chirping quiet he thought soft thoughts. Quietly whispering through the fleeting dream mind. Bread-water, un-perpetual gravity, simple war, blindfolds, cereal and wet cartoons, magic, crystalline overlays. Humming wonder appeared and his eyes opened. In the dim brightening light of relaxation the dream echo pronounced, “Returning, be not to lose forward the found charging relief and save.” There’s no one here. Start over.

Blink… Eternity

Blink deep the window / Aware galaxy soul / And a window / And another… / Countless amidst the dark window bright / And another

Blink; reality / Blink; it begins / Anew / Awareness fly crystalline / Clear flash alight / Split springing base ash / Growth sprawling and freely / Construct a loose parallel trance by the sea.

Spellbound and sleeping / Spellbound and frantic / Apathetic the lost-found forensic / Closing unusually and opening near / Colossus in a pinpoint / Grand spastic chaos specific / Once…twice… assured / Unsure and a craze

Worshipping clear confusion / Permanent now / The master spins whip like / Expressed purpose divine / Blink sight refreshing the screen of the sky / Blink deep the window / Deep in the eye.

Diffuse the Ammo

Occasionally something will happen that makes obvious the absurdity of our conventional and accepted contemporary history narrative. On June 21, 2018 in the Russian sky southeast of Moscow a bright meteor was captured on video, as it flashed, on it’s way to earth. While the smoke trail lingered, the meteor flash itself was brief. For all it’s brevity, however, there are at least four, random, video captures of the moment of fire in the sky. My next thought is of American Airlines Flight 77. The plane that is said to have crashed into the Pentagon on 9-11-2001. Where, I wonder are we more likely to find video documenting a random aerial event? Rural sky southeast of Moscow, or the urban capitol of the United States of America on the property of the penultimate military installation!?!?  Well, as noted, the meteor was captured on video, so… There is a publicly available video of the “commercial airliner” crashing into the side of the Pentagon, however, there’s no plane in the video. Reminders like this crack the mind with the pressure of over bearing insanity. How is it that there is no wholesale challenge to this flagrantly obvious cosmic scale lie? The magnitude of our collective denial dysfunction is off the charts, and this is another reminder of that fact.

This piece is about an imperative, practical, intrepid re evaluation challenge. I mean, after all, on any given Saturday afternoon we’ll sit around and complain about challenging, intensely important stuff, like whether or not a runner is safe or out at second base. But challenge a little event that helped unleash intense hyper violence, and broad based human rights nullification around the world isn’t really all that important, right!? Really!? A charming, eloquent, passionate, polite, respectful re evaluation of the co called “facts” that combine to fracture and fatigue our collective mind is imperative for the possibility of derailing a monstrous social science endeavor that has virtually all people in the genocide bullseye, and all 3D terrestrial life in the balance of depravity and loss. Evaluate, recognize, tolerate, and emphasize the suspension of disbelief, in order to access some semblance of integrity, accuracy,  justice, and wholeness. For crying out loud, we so badly need a sanity breakthrough of the secrecy fraud matrix that it’s positively freakish! We’re, by and large, running around like we’ve got alligator’s mouths, and hummingbird’s asses. We’ll shoot our mouthes off about some politically determined righteousness rant, but we won’t move one simple inch in the direction of a real positive direction for free thought and/or true fact. Meanwhile innocent peoples all over experience the intensely unjust, power driven ultra violence, and we by major majority, don’t give a flying, you know what, about real reality. To what sustainable end can this active attitude possibly point!?

Stop. Breathe. Focus.

Stop. Breathe, Focus.

The calling is returned. There are more than many coherency awakening points. Point them out. -There is a public video that can be watched of American Airlines Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon. Suspend disbelief, if that’s still possible, and watch it. -There are 3000 architects and engineers that have reported on the impossibility of the World Trade Center building collapses in terms of physics. Actual scientific facts. Read it. This is a bare beginning of a list so long that it clearly shows the incomprehensibly absurdly obvious truth that we’re clearly being pushed to the brink of critical inauthenticity and categoric demise. It’s the willful ignorance that is making us our own worst enemy. The fraud is the fuel of disaster, but only because we’re giving it consent. I recently heard Andrew Bartzis say that  while it is the social systems are weaponized; it’s the people that are the ammunition. It’s high time we diffuse ourselves, and render the weaponry unloaded, impotent, and useless. Waking to our orchestrated narrative of sinister nonsense is the monumental first step in the direction of liberation, emancipation, fair evaluation, and recognition that our sum is the monument force for progressive change. Set aside, for a minute, the support that perpetuates the modern day narration of programmed incoherency and deception. Make way for a wave of truth, and the freedom expression of togetherness, love, justice, and welcome that it most naturally eternally spawns.

Wake Up Makers

There is a field of baby maple trees blanketing the yard. This maple, right here, has over seeded this year. Thousands of sprouts cover the area. The tiny tree leaf carpet is sprouted spontaneously prolific. Full on reproduction spread all over the yard.  What for the sow season so plentiful? Reproduction urgency!?

In the age of extinction, the seeding response is messaging. Nature messaging critical preservation. The seed is more than a metaphor at this point. Therein is life code instruction, reproduction, posterity, and cosmic expression by virtue of the stored info. The importance of this response, at this time, feels magnificent, majestic, wonderful, and horrifying. Nature knows the code of life must be planted, and stored now. Right now. Environmental conditions have become inhospitable, threatening, and severe; They are growing more and more so by the instant. The annihilation sense is activated. S.O.S!!! Save our species!! The natural world, it’s survival instinct, and the involuntary preservation response is intact. Nature is predominantly, effectively, and surely aware. Creation dreams the form of the expression, and the living preserve the dream reproductively. Now with the present form of Life’s expressions hanging in the balance, the living exercise potential in terms of effecting their own seed bank. We are our own DNA preservation vessels. The aware are activated to spare; while the unaware reside in risk of extinction shock. For a variety of reasons, human inhabitants of the modern world are at a critically low level of awareness regarding our own state and fate. Just as Natuire has activated it’s seed response, so is the call to humanity. It would seem that the big seed that needs to be planted for people is… the seed of awareness.

Industry complexes, and industrial banking captains, have their certainty. The perverse, unquenchable, thirst for resource monopoly has run us up on bio-loss totality.  Extinction is the side effect of the planetary industrialized resource heist, and the thieves know it. (Hence facilities like Svalbard. I mean, who anticipates a need protect biodiversity, except for those that know it’s threatened!?)  In order to secure the ENTIRE fortune, the liberty of free thought beings must be dismantled, sublimated, undermined, and actually eradicated. Through rigged social systems “end game” processes are unleashed. By planting the seeds of fear, shortage, greed, helplessness, discontent, disunion, and confusion the populace is controlled into conformity boxes of idiocy, political correctness dogma, and suicide. The vast majority of us have to wriggle out of the cell forms of unawareness brought on by forced fed programs of inorganic inhospitable demise. From GMO, to electrosmog, to neurotoxic vaccines, to absurdly fictional news, air/water chemical assault, to smashed history authenticity through narration hijack the seeds of disaster have been routinely, systematically, and scientifically planted over generations. As a body of humanity we’re left with a collective identity crisis. We barely, if at all, realize it as we suffer with our normalcy biased that has desperately deep roots. Either we uproot and reseed or there will be a draft straight into some AI bastardization program which scrambles our living essence, and spawns a DNA code violation that the most adroit shamanic wizard will have trouble decoding. We’re collectively in the cross hairs of eternity’s despair. Nature is now on display seeding in desperation to preserve itself. Will humanity, in part or majority, follow suit!?

It’s always now. Now plant the seeds of awareness, goodwill, sovereignty, and freedom. Sprouting spontaneous change and awakening. Awareness is a root branch of consciousness. Up up uprising. Hope is the sprout emanating of each germinated capsule of majestic innocence and terrestrial imagination; rooting to balance as an anti-pole all the inorganic techno control modifications of real life demise. We remaining free thinkers are the seed planters. In solidarity with Gaia and in harmony with the fates of planetary consciousness, ascension is our collective opportunity for base line love expression, compassion, and survival sanity. Together in deep seeded awareness comes the unified collective which defers disaster, raises consciousness, remediates generations of toxicity, and gives expression to a true love that has been virtually lost to the so called “intelligent” bipedal hominids, commonly known as humans, that are rushing around blindly with our collective heads up our rear ends, complaining about luxury failure during a time of largely over looked systematic constructs of disease, decay, and death. Heed the prompt. Answer the call. Seed souls and minds as our plant brethren are seeding the soil, and wake up. Life in it’s multifarious forms is dropping, in the modern world, like a house fly in a flame thrower. The seeds of awareness, like the baby maple’s seeds, are the wake up makers of salvation. It would be great to think that they get planted.


Misunderstood understanding reflects. / Spontaneous awareness, clear / Forgotten / Again        Spontaneous awareness, clear / Forgotten / Again

Inhaling imagined the artists eye. / Formulaic sight. / Exhausting expression divinely alight. / Divinity death and alive.

Aware / Forgotten / There / There with profundity, and… / Now vanished / Dissipated and new. / Removed… replaced / Vanquishing suspended belief / Alive  concentration / And gone / Gone to belief, releasing / Present fundamental / Rudimentary spiral space a maze. /  Lost to source / As it never / Ever / And again.,