What If?

What if? What if earth’s atmosphere becomes a miasma? What if the air becomes permeated with pollution so much that there were no such thing as “fresh air”? What if the permeation source became critical? What if there was a component source which was intentional? What if one wanted to live? What if a eugenic genocide program was in effect, and turning the earth’s atmosphere into a global gas chamber were part of the program? What if waking up to it would stop it?What if?

It has been a long time since I have journaled about the atmospheric spraying that visibly takes place in the air over head. The noticeable intensity and polluted sky views recently, however, have been impossible to not acknowledge. In urban areas, high pollution impacts are expected. The normalization of pollution is sad, but common. In rural areas, especially upon arrival, the hopeful internal wellness expectation is that the environment should be cleaner, more pure. From the Northern Tier of Pennsylvania through the Finger Lakes to the Erie Canal and east to the Catskills on a recent road trip, however, on display were relentless, persistent, continuous flight plans of cloud haze trail dispersion fly overs which were remarkably overbearing.

Having become a deliberate, regular sky watcher,  I’m here to say that during the quick trip through this region, there was not an instant of sky quiet. Not an instant. The amount of material dispensed from the first sunrise greeting trail tracer over Bradford County to the late last daylight stream over Columbia County had to be staggering. Staggering!!! This is just one 13-14 hour period on a Monday late in the month of March 2018. The contemplation of this reality results in forms of furious shock, delirious confusion, perplexed wonder, ID reluctance, hope threat complacency resignation, and (thank God) renewed determination to rise above the insanity. There are certainly some innocently unaware people’s; yet apathetic ignorance, cognitive dissonance, and willful conspiratorial blindness are the dominant attitudes of the majority trapped in the programmed herd mind mentality construct. Glad to not, so much, be in that group, and spirited by knowing that legions of awakened activists are defying criticism, alienation, mockery, insult, and personal safety threats to sound the alarm and work to diffuse the atmosphere attack. We may not be too noticeable, but the resolve pressure of wellness sanity is becoming harder and harder to miss. Just like the assault from above.

From the point of view here, dismiss the plausible deniability scientific “reasons” for geoengineering. Yes, solar radiation management, ocean iron fertilization,  ‘star wars” defense systems, and world wide communications enhancement are all scientifically viable. Whatever the modern world purpose might be proposed to be, however, no fair or just morality ethic would ever allow implementation. This is because common scientific sense says it’s toxic. There is no study required to know this. The ensuing smoke screen of science bastardization is to cover for social control sociopaths, animated by darkness, that have long worked to secure earth’s energetic resources for their own. The greed of the kleptomania grab knows no bound. This is fully on display, and can be clearly recognized by getting out of the controlled narration of the propagandized false history lie. These control freaks have garnered an impressive amount of material force. What they don’t have, however, is the power of truth. That is for all of us that are finding the courage to claim it.

There is a radical race going on. Because it exists in eternity, and a free will space, the ultimate reality is for the choosing. Man, it would be great to know that enough conscious awareness would evolve to allow for the cessation of take down poisoning of Gaia; Mother Earth. It’s not a given that sufficient awakening, and wellness will, will be realized in time to avert planetary catastrophe Mass extinction is already way, way, way underway. There is no way, however, we’re all going into the abyss of illness, extinction catastrophe, and control incarceration without pointing out the flagrancy oppression of spray programs that are shredding our life lovingly traditional life support system. The resource whores lit a fire in our global terrarium of wonder and bliss, and now they are racing to keep ahead of the spontaneously awakening consciousness which will eliminate them and dark ego agenda programs with truth/reason/love light. What if today we find a fifteen minute window in a place of high sky visibility, sit, observe above, and see if there isn’t something in our survival gut that tells us it’s time to reconsider the world view that has been forced on us so insistently? What if there is a nefarious attempt to squash free thought? What if there really is a elevated life path we’re being deprived of? What if everything we think we know is wrong? What if?



In the moment; right /Passing /Bliss /Regret /Regard

In the moment; night /The soul /Gruel /Sensation /Relax

In the moment; flight Elation /Ring/ Persuasion/ Collapsing okay!?

Spurned momentary bliss /Correction /Cessation /Tingle gild /Kiss

In the moment; crisis /Beginning /End /Beginning /And…

In the moment; alive / Light /Beam /Immemorial /Cry

In the moment; light /Life /Hiss in /Expire /Repeat


Here, Hereafter, and Now

Look around. The facade of legitimacy, security, righteousness, freedom, and libertarian honor is coming down. It’s coming down in chunks of mockery, exposed fraud, disgrace, and lunacy. Epidemic and pandemic explosions of ill swarm about the globe with calculated certainty. Injected, pressed, sprayed, and displayed by those of stolen authority and monstrous malevolence posing as leaders, journalists,teachers, diplomats and/or social administrators. It’s like a sick joke. The intentional eugenic effect of the anti life programming induces blindness to truth; it’s run much of it’s course, and we’re all under a spell (by degree). WE’RE BLIND!!

Doom not inevitable. Free thought is the threat to control domination schema, and though critical free thought level is predominantly low, it is immensely potent. Center spot drops of clarity on the surface of our culture make for the radiant ripples of awakening. With awakening, the overlords of control panic. Desperation ensues. Insanity mushrooms with an obviousness that makes our collective trance displayed overtly. It’s obvious! We’re in a rotating news headline cycle of utter idiocy! No!? “Breaking news!!! Donald Trump announces that he’s going to run for re election in 2020!! The announcement comes 980 days before the election. A record historically!! ” Next it’s the gun violence episode. Then it’s the sex violence episode. Then it’s the Russian meddling episode. Then it’s the crazy rogue nation tyrant episode. Then it’s the next celebrity U.S.presidential candidate episode. Then it’s the… Cycling, and ratcheting up, intently ad infinitum for the sake of opinion driving our bio software to division, as well as, attitude and activity hostility, or apathy, or better yet both. In mass we become racing discordant collective confusion models of detached cluelessness, with inventive thought unoriginality, and crippled imagination. Add in toxicity elements atmospheric, food, and medicine, and the recipe is cooked for mind locked, ill automatons tailor made, in prediction, to be controlled, fed off, and eliminated. This is also a mad strong recipe for escape.

Moment by moment, in places and spaces, cognitive bursts of awareness surprise the keepers with alerted common sense. Wait a minute?! This isn’t news!! This is programing!! It’s generational propaganda. In divine instance, left and right, shifts of consciousness persuade alternate concepts, questions of authority, and challenges of belief. Suddenly and gradually our current events scene melts psychedelically into comforting mysteries of silenced familiarity. The ghosts of integrity and authenticity revive. The fraud of system driven narration is exposed, compartmentalized, identified, and placed in it’s proper place: the intentional fiction for control place. Liberation wrests itself in hearts and souls. The flagrancy of fraud and ridiculousness has resultant undeniably. Free beings radiate living light. Helping helpers aid the infants of clarity through their shock. Foundation farmers feed the hungry of grid collapse starvation. Medicine shamans carry and heal the energetically wounded and deprived who have suffered the magnificently disgraceful effects of the modern world during the death throw breakdown. Societal structure fractures. Light beings of well being practice fissure permeation. Going right in the cracks they fill the dark recesses of our dying social/planet structure with the energies of free thought luminosity. As the harmony increases, so does the hope. Contagious the beauty! Sheer essence spontaneous lively revokes death knell conspiracy lie, and the suppressed harmony of truth rings. The world, the events of it (current and historic) torch in the truth lap of authenticity. Wake up all. We counter balance the attack of the kleptocratic power whores, elevate our being, and that about us, and rise to promise. Liberty, justice, health, and creative expression for all; here, here after, and now.

Personal / Collective Sovereignty

Anticipation, the stone, freedom has been dispatched; locked. To be locked in the molecular hybrid mineral quarantine. Conjuring lifetimes of long lost forgotten magic in store for the resigned pre prepared guarantee of surety. The curse formats hide in obvious sight of programmed frozen static art, unrecognized by failing critical thought beings caught in a polarity vortex drafting directly into the lock phase of mineral storage. Escape a nary, beware!! Atrophying choice, and the potential freedom of choice, still survives. Who can, and/or will exercise it? The free mind, soul, self, no self expressed in the spontaneous brilliance of instant, harmonious beauty is at stake for an epoch. Newness breaks free.

The new earth emergent in the fresh energetic quantum spaceless, placeless, timeless, trans-dimensional pass from dire life pain illness struggle, to fruit bounty thriving blossom fulness foster, is commensurately real.  It’s time to move dream along, the choice dream of in cerebellum god myth creation burst with any dream capacity remaining. This is the hope. The hope of Hunter/Garcia’s China Doll only fractured- and just a little nervous from the fall. The hope of Black Elk traversing the battle field protected by a bow, and Shyela friend’s sacred invincibility. The hope of William Bligh’s survival return from the mutiny. The hope of William Blake’s body of God. The hope of help, and it’s reception. The hope of passage through the dark night of the soul. The hope of sunrise. The hope of miracle, made majesty; a water drop, a grain of sand, an unlocked key of insistence of failing self will. The notes of hope play high and low through color fields fertile bliss. Heard and unheard following the sign of faith marking path marks for the practices spiritual which afford vibrational and energetic heights to elevate us above the vortex of the stone storage inevitability. A collective destiny of monumental liberty is here at hand. Stay free. Stay free. Declaration measure, and make, our personal and collective sovereignty.

Harmony of Opposites

The unmistakable invitation of harmony. Heard in music. Witnessed in cooperative helping hands. Felt warmly in loving gesture. Ease the welcome to join in the movement of inclusion and progressive evolution. It’s fair and peaceful without the curse of rejection. Characteristically pure absence of prerequisite qualification to participate in the harmonious brotherhood/ sisterhood of goodwill, support, and the building climax of collective success. It’s a unified group thing. Collective creativity built of diversity, meaning, and bound contradiction. It works as it works together. Interactively present in each moment resides the possibility hope that the choice will be to pursue objective founding harmony. This is the foundation of hope, progress, health, true wealth, spontaneous organic life, and cosmic promise. Higher and higher developments of sentience, emotional/ spirit depth, and enlightenment become more and more working realities of growing consciousness by any continued unity commitment to beatific harmony. Disquieting discord and disharmony overcome. It leads to responsive return, eventually. The longer the passing before returning the balance to a renewed pleasant chord progression; the greater the stress and discomfort… Alas the modern world, it’s rampant confusion, distrust, contention, conflict, division, and ill. One speckled reminder; harmony is not about alikeness, it’s more about agreed cohesion, tolerance, appreciation, cooperation, freedom, incorporated opposition, variety respect, and innocence. Nature Knows.

The breeze comes up. Brushing the landscape with invisible breath. Rising gust, and steady, the tree scape responds in timber twig sway. A dance, all moving in the random harmony of a choreographed chaos of perfection.  Each is known to the other. Required are the differences. Differences of pressure and strength in passive opposition, combining to make the whole complete majestic dynamic. The trees oppose by absorbing the wind, calming the rush of air, and the air reacts in thrush and relax. Wind ebbs and flows as molecular fluid through the graph stick members of the forest creating the dynamic of life in eternal momentary harmony. It’s one whole live scene. Harmony on display. It’s organic man; energetically, majestically organic. The differential of atmosphere pressure manifest as wind, and the wooden stiffness structure engaged with it, in unison is complete one whole scene of eternal purpose. For no other purpose than “it is”. The eternal happening created by the harmonious interplay of opposition and difference. No contest! The energies of eternity and bliss are expressed spontaneously for beauty, interference, entropy, purpose, and posterity. It’s the metaphor for undisturbed, undisputed, perfection, meaning to be; Harmony of opposites.

Presently, naturally, opposing forces press on the world, and those on it. If we’re not in lock step, and alike, we’re at odds. There’s a definitely promoted emphasis of difference and split; us and them, right and wrong, friend and foe, true and false, fact and fiction, oppressed and free, crazy and sane, life and death. The primary encouragement point is to identify with one or the other; the dualism shuffle. The paramount AND, between each opposite, is understood and misunderstood. There is no X without it’s anti X. The cosmic balancing act. Essentially equal and opposite. This is the field nature of Nature. The sentient, however, are vulnerable to control. Humanity, can be, and largely has been led astray into duality’s sickness zone; conflict. Forgotten is the personification movement of what’s meant to be, like the swaying trees, of differences. Conclusive sureness identification is claimed with one OR the other, not one AND the other. Right now, the ground feels unsteadily conceptual. And now, steady. The riveting, liberating possibility of the harmony unity of opposites congeals. It’s this AND that! It is.

By awareness driven free thinking, free will, and choice begins the lead strum to hear. Like the opening notes and progressive chords of a most pleasing hymn. Following in contribution to the greatest cause, liberation and bliss. The matter moment at hand. Now is the time. Here is the place. A Thoreauian contemplation from the free man incarcerated: The question my friend is; what are you doing out there!? Working together, or apart?


The Survival Community

The first ribbon chip of cedar pealing out of the new hole I’m drilling through the outside wall of our house. The hole is to make way for a cable connection to the new power generator we got for Christmas this year. It’s over due security.  This isn’t backup security for storm related inconvenience outage. The concern here is about grid collapse, long term, blackout. Question is… Is it really necessary!?

With any mild research scrutiny, it’s not hard to glean that the corporate, industrialized society is working against nature in a way that is furiously flagrant, and unsustainable. Toxicity, corruption, crime, pollution, illness, kidnap, and ultra violence war attack permeate our current events with a “journalistically” constructed cloak of normalcy that screams idiocy and fraud. Conspiracy claims, on top of conspiracy claims, on top of conspiracy claims protect the orchestrated attack takedown efforts of intentional confusion, resource exploitation and energetic theft. Back in from the lunatic fringe of blasphemous concern that all life is under systematic attack, lands us on the bullseye of survival. All hands on deck with unity purpose. Survival is at stake. Survival of quarantine and collapse. Survival of infertility and fear driven genocide. Survival of mistaken identity, hijacked personality, hijacked history, hijacked media, hijacked economics, hijacked language, hijacked religions, and hijacked social institutions. Survival of the confused contrarian choice of material supremacy and resource kleptocracy. Survival of biologic warfare and disease. All hands on deck, locally together as survival communities aspiring. Core survival is about group effort as the metaphor of existence crystalizes; I die, we survive.

The uplift of the rapturous condition is the higher being and planet wellness shift of organic origin that is consecutive with extinction and collapse. Free being, free thought, and free energy realities meet the awakened faithful that have answered the awareness of systematic harm with personal and systematic compassion and service. While some seers may accurately anticipate the energetic event process of the new earth shift, unsureness leaves me wondering how best to prepare for, what will most surely be the mind blowing, events of hell escape death throws of the failed, formerly entrenched, social control programs and the programers. It is surely a wicked wind will blow. Surviving the interlude is imperative to remaining on the sure ascension life spirit path. Being prepared to be of maximum service is the goal. Hence the generator, fuel supply, and food supply. Community cooperation is imperative. There’s super sure strength in numbers, but so few have woken to the actual conditions of our age. Farmers, medics, hunters, workers, problem solvers, spirit guides, healers, cooks, builders, mechanics, artisans, story tellers, illusionists, and all in unity for common good and welfare, in the survival communal. This is the requirement to go on when the entrenched societal systems, we’ve all been trained to rely on, fail at once. Indeed grid collapse.

Grid collapse. The sure end for the over reaching, immoral, unprincipled, unloving, anti life control mania complexes that have worked unyieldingly to keep humanity asleep and vulnerable. Asleep while it could be exploited for every last drop of moral and energetic blood available. The bastion of those that refused to buy the programming, questioned the truth, and challenged the money power players are the awakened. By the guidance of word, teaching, help, and example a trail is blazed into the zone of sanity, reconciliation, salvation, wellness, and survival. Grasp the forgotten memories of the future by faith. Know the call. Drop the prejudice. Love the neighbor. Prepare to survive, knowing to thrive. It’s upon us and that clanging gong WAS/IS the trumpet of creation calling each and every one of us to shake our apathy, small minded self objective, and join the glory effort of survival in community of our own. We decide! The belief here… It’s really necessary.


Well of coarse there is grief! The grieving has only begun. Buried inside, lied the season seed of monastic grief. There in the compartment of the artifact heart. The artifact heart contact as prescribed by the mystic spirit of mutually cemented bare bond structure. Spell bound and ripped asunder on a lap roar convenience pipe bomb surprise. Hidden no more for glasses, the sister laugher grabbed the cajoling lover to the back. Here in the mine field of disaster, the answers precede the question of unanswerable sinister. Don’t look mister! Don’t look!

Along with the laughing wait staff of your masters, they are seizing your hidden, snuffed language. “But she was free!!”, exclaimed the mime. Hand leaving the gesture frown. Get off of my bloom. Get out of my room!! The grieving has only begun.

Shine, remember the breaking, the cosmic will. Turning, turning, churning immense. The daft class career queen is making a place. Remarkable candor. Surprising surrender. We’re making a blaspheme; creating a pipe dream. Born in the morning the shivering green alarm signal soundscape embarks on track with repeated amnesia. Hello. Good morning. Have we met? Do I know you?

Let’s see what happens this time…

In the Midst of a Miracle

In the midst of a miracle, confounding / Griping necessity grief / Dull a crystal of confusion / Sharp an enveloping high desert cane. / Understanding so fleetingly brief / Longing for any relief.

Incubus les chrysalis Thebe / Like fire, like fire, like free / Change so confounding, improvement pro-founding / Creation has deemed thus to be. / Respiring, no loss, one miracle midst / The life requiring die path to life.

In the midst of a miracle, allowing. / No dispute a gracious agree. / Conclusive? No, rounding / Spirit path sure now co founding / The requirement sin has ushered one in / To the service of further in need.


Glaring, growing transparent flagrant. The entitled former ambassadors of permeant slavery have reached back in desperation for the failing controls of fleeting security. By wrecking the bastions of delivery, justice, and sustenance in disgust, the false promise of “progress” is revealed as failure as edifice upon, gratuitous self congratulatory, edifice collapses all about in fraudulent conclusion. Each ambassador of bloodthirsty attack stands prone naked exposed to requisite despair. The dire regard, and torturous torment pain once, and eternally, inflicted upon the recently languishing trust body of those that had believed salvation was granted, in a betrayed safety zone, is now at hand. The viciously deceitful oppressors now fully face the boomerang of fate. Avoiding the reciprocation term of torment has been the full feature goal of the elite. By the means of oppression, deception, and attack has been executed the plan to murder the exploited innocent; yet futility reigns!!! Righteousness rises!!! Righteousness rises early, abundant, and free. Without even a finger of violence, the awakening responsive shines the dark into the remission of it’s own self chosen misery. Sharing replaces grabbing, smiles replace frowns, clarity… confusion, purity… contamination, gain… loss, wellness… ill, faith… fright, love… hate, ours out shines mine. In this comes life, and we live again. Buckle up. Spaceship upheaval earth is shaking off despair and the spirit that feeds it. The agents historically insisting on maintaining the lie, cheat, take program paradigms face relegation. The heart of good will is taking the thunderous beats of initiation. Be not afraid. Conclusions appear as decimating death, but, in truth, it’s the early appearance effect of liberation, regeneration, salvation, and birth. With all due respect, it’s time to help our fellows. This is not the right point to be on the wrong side of fate!

Justice…   Peace

Compassion… Service