Full On Press

At the risk of redundancy, it’s worth pointing out, again, that there are kleptocratic control agents endeavoring to dominate earth’s natural/energetic resources. They’ve been doing it for eons, and securing the assumed privileges and rights to earth’s resources requires control; control, control, and more control. The vastly unknowing populace doesn’t realize the scientific nature, or the power, of these controls. Yet through the multi-faceted control grid there is no existential element left un-interfered with. All life’s code of originality has been manipulated into counterfeit. By grabbing the control levers of media, medicine, religion, education, science, finance, agriculture, government, and militia; the oligarch kleptocrats systematically block potentially free thinking beings from having access to their higher selves, the corresponding consciousness of that higher self state, or the true spirit progress path. Amidst, however, the orchestrated defilement is an awareness fueled recovery initiative. It’s building for wellness, and the control agents know it. For the resource heist to succeed, and the perpetrators to get away with it, the recovery base of free thinking has to be snuffed. The anti-life power brokering sociopaths, that have made the dedication of take over control programing a sick dark art form, conspire to double down. As awakening to well being blossoms, the control programs go into overdrive, and it’s a full on press.

With blast furnace intensity comes the onslaught. Combined fraud racing media and spin speed with criminal ‘journalistic’ coverup. Full throttle pressing of virtually counterfeit fiat currency. Mass mandate neurotoxic laden vaccinations. Wicked intense toxic chemical spray geoengineering assault. Mercenary armies provide blinding war attack ultra violence, resulting in serial death counts, and refugee waves. Radioactive war games. Ramped up and further ramped up international hostility threats. Tsunami level opioid social flood addiction death. Populating AI drone and robot take over. Pressure pinching political correctness violence. Unyielding disinformation campaigns, and broadcast lying. Ever increasing intensity microwave exposure. Gruesome campaigns of human harvesting; stealing organs, children, histories, sovereignties, and narratives. Conspiracies so sick they defy imagination. Compromised minds are so dysfunctionally distracted there’s no chance of comprehension, true belief, or resistance. Genocide proceeds with systematic engineering precision into a cosmic abyss of rapidly approaching total loss. Herein, however, lies exposure and the key to alertness. By virtue of flagrancy, the operatives, and operations, are exposed. The shock of truth awareness is striking waves of people daily. The salvation side effect of the control programming is a wake up. A wake up to justice, well being, charity, honesty, rebirth, and action. How despicably futile is evil!?

The growing wake up is poised to flash with initiative for the right and righteous equilibrium balance. It’s happening! Caring light beings shine their focus onto/into the black hole void of confusion, disfigurement, and death; changing it, revealing it. Fear/anger darkness dominates the earth, it’s field, and all the, would be, free within it; yet behold, we begin to breathe. Inhaling ever available grace, and increasingly available help and exhaling ill. Once personal liberation takes hold. Take heart. The consciousness of newness, healing, justice, and love emanate from individual souls, as well as, collections of souls which joins earth in the rebirth process of promise. The shock of initial awareness feels stunning, lonely, and hostile. We are not alone. There are free thinking freedom/light workers among us. They are outside the military march; independent of the politically correct conventional wisdom box, while also in it. They can’t not help; and based on the current flagrancy of the attacks on us, our host, and the terrestrial community of living, there is a growing likelihood that more and more beings who are, and have been, shielded by denial will be forced into a psychic change place of meaningful assessment, courageous choice, and total reinvestment of personal will from self first establishment to common good initiation. Personal choice is paramount. Shake free to be free. The onslaught of control, now more fully on than ever, is leveled by the social engineers to keep us stuck and at bay. The intensity of the attack has component power to override our willful ignorance!! It does!! Thank all of Creation! Dormant and twisted survival instincts still have the original root. Find it. Choose it. Turn this full on press of control into the unexpected life return drill which elevates, liberates, and conclusively creates the bounty bliss thrive condition that the earth so majestically is rising to provide, and the dark force monopoly vampires will, and are, working desperately to destroy. Our need is Creation’s opportunity. By working together we usher in the dawn beyond the press.

In service,


Indiscriminate Dark

Darkness does not discriminate. After paying and paying dearly into a beautifully disguised fruitless void, came a most unpleasant surprise. It had all gone nowhere. Gone, seemingly gone, into a vapid waste expression of insincerity and apathy. How could this ever have gone this wrong!? The investments have been material, ineffable, heartfelt, committed, dutiful, purposeful, TOTAL!!!  Only to be apparently totally gone. GONE!!!! The longing residual grief has a component somber loss extremity of spastic upheaval. As the body recoils with shock and dismay, it’s breath exhales in bursts of spontaneously butchered desire exclaims. This is hard to take!! This is loss immemorial and tragic. Pieces of reason fall inconclusively behind a veil of jaundice and excuse. This blind side swipe has the pain point of heart-attack at it’s most severe vulnerability. This is all built in a sadistic setup of true love. True love!! Oh dear heaven, what a waste. What a terrible waste.

What could ever account for such a devastating surprise? What force is there that could possibly override the fact expression of complete commitment to a loving partnership? How dark can it be? Vain questions of unfulfilling regard go dismissed in the blame schema of sick reason. “You had it coming”, is the retort. “You had it coming.” This has all the shear earmarks of a very low power. A very low power indeed. Each investment was radiating with color rays of brilliance, joy, invitation, and welcome; happily delivered in the full belief to a life partnership of cooperative loving delight. Set up on display and slapped back in spitting insult to the good from which it emanated. This is a damn shame. The question about the depravity level of lower power dark force reality is answered conclusively; it knows no bound! While this tragedy is not the most horrific for sure, it is damn sad.

Sadness is appropriate now. Perspective is key. Choice is critical. Join the argument, and fall into the void that is consuming the loving heart, and partner in demise. A demise that can easily claim each party in requisite protraction waste. Or sight set higher and rise. Rise for the benefit of the loving and the loved. Terror is temporary with invited light, kindled and maintained through any trouble-scape. Take heart. Never forget that each death is a birth. Birthing a paradigm of promise. A promise that includes the memory of that which is right; eternally right. Delivered for the sake of the betterment of the couple, the family, the higher state. The state which now appears forsaken, yet is printed on the DNA of the believer… Me! Is there something that can defy absent memory and darkness driven amnesia? Dream vision? Dedicated belief? Patient love? Enduring purity? Deep deep longing? Everlasting prayer? Hopeful wonder? Simple request? Honest assistance? Respectful, yet reluctant, farewell? There is a fascinating component of power on display here now. I can’t believe how much in love I am with you. It’s remarkable to think that your not here. May fate find you joyous fortune, preeminent peace, wondrous reward, happiness and love. Thank you for helping to make my life better than I knew it could be. While the shattering of bliss may make for a choked goodbye, it comes from the bottom of my heart… I love you.


The mistrust suspicion regarding the factual nature of each passing crisis news event has become mistrust conviction. Even before the echo of tragedy has cleared the air, we have some talking head/reporter providing preliminary, yet oddly conclusive, details of what’s happening. Without much at all variation, the initial speculation becomes the official narration. It is then repeated and repeated within and without, from news source to info outlet, from kitchen table to cafe counter, rapidly becoming an incontrovertible “truth”. The whos, whats, and  why fors of outrage and tragedy become rooted in the collective egomania of righteousness and authority. We’re being suckered by a prevailing power group that is losing it’s grip. Yet despite the increasingly obvious absurdity and contradictions, most of us still bite the bait. Of course we’re vulnerable to suggestions about the nature of high impact events, but the lack of poise, deliberation, responsibility, and authenticity of the report is immediately on display. There’s an obvious rush to conclusion. This is the hand tip of premeditation, orchestration, and concoction. Let the “news” reporting rush to conclusion: we’re taking our time.

With renewed patience, reevaluation proceeds. Stepping back with a real form of intrepid care, look. Look at the patterns, the inconsistencies and un-believabilities. We’re being force fed traitorous fraud of prewritten complex, and we’ve stood down so far that we’re getting run over. The bare minimum notice is that we’re running with stories of major league evolutionary importance before there’s any meaningful investigation. That’s what we’re told, and that’s it. Keep going down this road any further, and the powers that be, that are afraid of us to begin with, will finish phase finish us off. Shootings, bombings, attacks, and catastrophes are literally drilled and produced to bring societal population to heel. All these concocted stories are chapters in the epic which adds up to extermination of the story tellers most basic threat… Us!!

History is always written by the victor. Stories of any historical significance are lopsided and biased. This is not news. Now we find ourselves in the cross hairs of conclusion, where social engineering lords believe in their own mastery to the point that they are pre-scripting history. These audaciously bold dark force agents are demonstrating their resolve in panic now, however. Private bank kleptocrats have secured an un-erodable material fortune. That’s not at risk, is it? Why the desperate urgency for total over ride control!? Why commit high profile public crimes, for which the official details are so easily verifiably false? Is the belief that the general public potential for free thought, critical thought, and effective awareness isn’t possible at any level that matters, thus making the potential risk of exposure worth the reward of finalizing domination? Psycho mania can’t be understood, but it had better be quickly accepted, because the desperation is very much showing, and the result is fatal.

The synthetic myth is a truth quest. In that, the point of view should approach infinity. Here all possibilities are considered in an unlimited way. The concocted tales of manipulation fit into the truth narration, they don’t define it or finalize it. Fiction is not fact. Fiction is a component of fact. Our business is about recognizing where our willful acceptance of bull shit is setting us up for harm. Harm on top of harm. While our immediate attention may be commandeered at gun point in massacre style assault, the walls of extinction level starvation, disease, and extermination are closing on other members of the human family around the globe. This in total accounts for the fallacies that are promoted as truth, and the truth that is suppressed to obscurity. The course of survival is charted by accuracy. The remaining chapters of the anthropocene era are going to be written. Fair minded people of good will could have a hand in the composition. Wake up. Brave to stand apart from the herd. Hopefully we gain enough inertia of honesty to turn the tide of those that are feeding off our willful ignorance to the concocted tale of our own demise.

“Fall” Foliage

The intentional manipulation of the ionosphere, and the intentional dispersion of  ozone layer destroying, flash drought causing chemicals effects everything living in the bio-dome, we call earth’s atmosphere. Chemical drying and UV frying are two of those effects.

Autumn in the U.S. Northeast. The summer has been cool and damp. Cool and damp. Cool and damp. The foliage by and large green?? The foliage beginning it’s seasonal color change??

A recent drive through the southern Adirondacks, and down the east side of the Hudson Valley afforded many overlook views. On an otherwise bright day, with the now nearly omni-persistent haze of any distant visibility, the foliage looks dull and dirty. There are spots and patches of brighter greens. There are definite burgeoning reds, yellows, and golds. Yet it’s the dullness that dominates the big picture; the green brown dirtiness. Upon anything like close inspection, another phenomena is apparent; dryness and burns. Witness, the vast majority of the foliage is dull of color, dry, and a massive number of the leaves are burnt! Cool and damp. The summer had been cool and damp?! Like one third of all the trees I’m passing have dead leaves. These leaves have not remobilized, they’ve died. The leaves are dried and fried. Now walking about here at the end of September in New Fairfield, CT, and the local area, finds the ground littered with dry dead leaves. This is not the abscission of deciduous plants. Now I’m paying close attention! Holy crap?! The tree life?! Tree health?! It’s illness, and it’s obvious. It’s been noticeable for years. It’s heavy duty now.

In the last few days many of the conversations have started, or included inquiry and recognition of peeping fall foliage. Where’s the best view? When’s the peak? We’re looking and watching expectantly at our environmental companions objectively. It’s as if these “objects” have an unalterable permanence that vastly cannot be interrupted. Living things are not objects! Dead leaves on trees are not part of a natural seasonal change; it’s poisoning. The environmental impact of the colossus geoengineering will be measured in it’s effects. But, because of the unacknowledged nature of the programming, we lurch from speculation, to hypothesis, to curiosity, to guess, to faux expertise, to disregard, about what we’re witness to, without realizing the actuality. This is a point of big time redundancy. It has to be. The impacts of chemical spraying are so destructive and harmful that  the wake up call might very likely come about when the realization sinks in that some part of our beloved reality is under attack. Health and wellness is being brought down by a sick science plan that’s being perpetrated by very dark agents. Which pin will it be that we care enough about to challenge our status quo supposition of the world. Is it our health? Is it our ecology? Is it pollution? Is it corruption? Is it war? Is it the trees!?

The kleptocratic technocrats manipulating society(s) have run amok. They no more care about the common good than a bank robber cares who’s loot is being stolen. Everything has become collateral as the oligarch elite kleptocrats work over time to control every aspect of the world. They clearly think of the world as their domain. While everybody has the right to be wrong, this wrong is becoming hugely difficult to reconcile. Thank goodness more and more people are waking up to the oppression. Unfortunately, however, many more people are still asleep. The flagrancy of harm has spilled over into the absurd. Look out. Look outside the compartmentalized micro box. Look at the bigger picture. The statistics are staggering. Millions of trees are dead in California. Over 800 million standing dead trees in Colorado. Stressed and dying trees in Washington Sate. Years of drought causing tree die off in Oregon. Bogus Basin’s (Idaho) forest ‘is dying; logging, rehab planned, Utah’s forests are under siege, What all those dead trees mean for the Sierra Nevada, and on, and on, and on. It’s here too!!! We haven’t even touched on the unprecedented amount of forests, around the world, going up in flames. It’s wise to really get in touch with the trees we admire. They are under siege, just like everything else on God’s, formerly, green earth.

It would be great to think that critical awareness among peoples of planet earth is imminent and near, if not here. The social systems of control have done their worst. Delusion and denial have ruled the day. A couple things right now seem very obvious. One is the exceedingly warm, if not hot, feeling of the sun. The other is the condition of the tree that provides the shade relief from that heat. I can duck into the shade, but that stalwart tree can’t. Perhaps it’s time to re- evaluate that expectation of the fading summer/autumn peep show, and really take a close up look at that living elm, birch, maple, oak, or evergreen. Think about what’s really required for these trees to provide for us the beauty we largely take for granted. How bout parking ourselves in the copacetic protection shade of our forest friends, and take a minute to view the sky? It shouldn’t be long before another one of those “innocent” fly byes of jet trailing, cloud maker, exhaust lines, rakes over our heads with it’s figurative F you, as the innocent tree  shielding us is sacrificed to the malevolent defoliant of industrial demise.

This always seems relevant… WAKE UP!!

Sun Spot

The last thing he remembered thinking was, “Take me.”

It came to pass. A sun. A star being. Our sun is the star being that energizes the solar system. All the energies of every process, in every place, on each planet, and moon in the system has originated from this G-type main sequence star (G2V).

Through the ages earth’s societies have known one light, heat, radiation stellar, life support source. Mythologically the sun is recognized by name from culture to culture as Magec, Wala, Malakbel, Tonatiuh, Ekhi, Alaunus, Yuyi, Ra, Apollo, Ravi, Arinna, Utu, and on…  It’s meaning to the planets, peoples, plants, and animals is, and has been, hugely obvious. Without the sun, none of this would be. Was the sun itself aware of the life experiment and evolution purpose that was meant to unfold in it’s system? Did it know the terms? Did it care? Regardless, it’s role is central. The sun has a deeply developed relation with the other beings in it’s system now; including the solar systems’ (in fact the galaxy’s) crown jewel, the earth.  The energetic investment, of itself, into the solar system is massive. To be able to tolerate and endure, physically and emotionally, the conditions of it’s life (the fission process, the duration of term, and witness to rise and fall, by free will. of good and evil) the sun must maintain a real, effective, and highly evolved spirituality.  For 4.5 billion earth years, and counting, the sun has bestowed it’s radiance. Now this colossal investment of it’s own, to it’s system, and the systems’ ultimate purpose of DNA and light being spiritual development is at risk.

All stability is a function of the balance of nature. Light/dark, masculine/feminine, good/evil in a harmonious unity dance of nuclear and celestial compensation in the sustainability and growth equation. Our solar system has been infested, and the earth has been invaded, by vampiric energy parasites that are animated by the spirit of evil. They have initiated, perpetuated, and fortified a persistent destructive duality. The resultant illness has happened in an astrological blink. Darkness, harm, malevolence, and ill will have been systematically woven into the fabric of our societies in such a way that they run life support down without being fairly recognized. The counter balance force, of wellness, has been handicapped by it’s innocence. Now we have to deal with an organized evil with a big head start of control, and a whole lot of material power. By the machinations of evil; lies, purposeful deception, confusion, pride, as well as, the temptations envy, lust, and greed, we, the inhabitants of earth, are preyed on. Dark agents, and agencies operate in the shadows. When the collaborators do appear they deceive, foment fear, dis-unify, and promote aggressive anti society/ anti life actions and attitudes. We’re not experiencing arbitrary, collateral, side effect problems of material progress. These are intentional! The illness is bad. It’s fatal in insatiability. Consuming life and life’s light with no regard or return. Energies are consumed into a darkness that is chosen by it’s members. The light can’t return, and we all suffer. The suffering is gradual, but sure. The sickness shows up in our collective karma. We’re at an advanced stage of collective ill. We barely realize it, but it’s showing inside and out.

Planetary life energy circuit loops back into the solar system, and back to the sun. We’re all in this together. G2V is aware of the condition of the solar system. Right now there is a deficiency, shortage, and loss created by the distortions resulting from disunion and vampirism. The sun’s aware of it’s system’s chronological path. It knows it’s purpose. No spiritual being of this contribution potential and deliverance can not know. The evolutionary path in this solar system has definite cycles of growth and decay, bounty and cataclysm which is all about the fits and starts of evolutionary progress. Now, however, we’re talking about a klepto-heist loss, and a waste of eons of life support contribution to a no return blackness of pure loss and desolation. For what!? So some virtue less, dishonorable, care less, self service blackness can stay dead along with the dead and dying host (earth and all life on it) that it’s actively killing!! There’s no way the stellar hub of this creation realm is not going to make an intentional effort to correct, compensate, and re-balance. It’s survival and it’s nature’s way.

By what means may our star affect it’s own regional circumstances? Intentional dream belief effort and prayerful service to the whole it’s part of, seems likely. The effort is noticeable in a definite way: sun spots, coronal holes, and solar flares. They are provisioning antidote energy streams and pulses. The sun is a plasma entity. It’s a being. It’s a portal. It’s conscious. Not unlike the Saint Francis request to become a channel does the sun open it’s heart to channelling healing energies. Eternity, our sun, and loving agents of service are making a stand. Who among us will join the recovery effort?

The present condition is bleak, but we’re not done yet. The feeling of an awakening is taking place here. A noticeable number of free, and working to get free, agents are popping up in defiance of herd mentality and conventional narrative wisdom. Thank God!! Togetherness is the idea. Love is the code. Compassion and service is the action plan. Be sure. The effort and supply of correction energies are entering earth’s celestial realm directly through the heart of the sun. Through the door of the solar heart flows the Grace of Creation and galactic core healing punctuation.  It’s all working to elevate energetic levels of the planet, and everything on it. Plants and animals haven’t lost the inherent connectivity that raises their levels. Humans have. When minds open so does the gateway to the heart. Humans are plasma entities, just like the sun. In a like way the human heart may open and the healing flow of salvation can make it’s way. All together in harmony and flow from heart to stellar heart to human, plant, animal heart essence in the conscious endeavor to break free the dark controls of demise, capture, control, and domination. The elevation renaissance of character and being releases the connection to the dying earth, and lightly allows the vision of the new one; straight though a spot on the sun.

In offering itself, the being that became, and remained, our sun committed to an immense contribution of dedicated, broadcast, long term sharing. The joy of light plasmatic bliss reciprocation the sun receives back from those living in it’s celestial space is the gift back to the giver. The giving star G2V then gifts it back again cyclicly back, reward and reward a bounty of growth for elevation of spirit and being. We all grow together in cascading fountains of photonic splendor bliss. How many of us are going to choose the materialism lie narration, that is unravelling all around right now, instead? We’re in a dimming/darkening period right now. It doesn’t have to play out all the way to black bottom death, but it can.  In certain cases it will. I’m sticking with the free will beings that are declaring their sovereignty from control, opening their hearts, working for the common good, honoring the dark and choosing the light. I’m saying thank you for the opportunity, and thanking Creation for one magnificently helpful far loving friend; the sun!!! Viva la Sol!!!

Transcendence Chance

Yet another beat down. I’ve been fighting to get my point across forever. It’s so damn maddening to keep getting dismissed by people that should give a damn about the criminal madness of oppression that the corrupt government is imposing on us all, and don’t. Big industrial companies literally get away with murder at our expense without any real account of their responsibility. Not only are they not held accountable for screwing us up, they’re rewarded! People not only seem to not know the magnitude of this, most outright deny it, and nobody seems to care!! Now my friends and family don’t want to hear it anymore, and this most recent argument has found me literally beat up by these people assembled down at the green. They said, “All lives matter.”  I said, “I don’t think so.”  The next thing I know is this pressure on my chest and shoulders. Through muffled complaint came the blow on the head which left me ringing and bleeding on the curb.

The crowd moved away in disregard. They must have felt like the point had been made. They moved on to continue the demonstration of animated pressure persuasion and provocation. Feeling dismissed and definitely beat down, I angrily, furiously, contemplated the concept of wether or not the whole damn world had gone insane!!

I got the ominous feeling I was being watched. Looking up I saw a worn man and an equally worn woman addressing me with a look of concern. It was noticeably non threatening. He asked me if I was okay. I was, and said so, but I was damn mad! “Is everybody in this society god damn sheep, or what!? How can they all be so blind to ignore that we’re being lead into an abyss by greedy, corrupt, no good, government crooks!?” The overseer never blinked. He calmly stated words that cut through me with the exactitude of truth. I could feel the inside of my chest expand and lighten up. Hope overcame anger/dread in a moment.

He said, “Every organized social institution is weaponized against the people. Accept this and you will transcend it. If you embrace this with the honor code, of being compassionate of and of service to those you meet, you will be okay. You will heal, and so will those about you.”

With that he reached down, and gave me a hand up.

Back to School

The end of the first day of school. Back at the local bus stop, the bus pulls up. It stops. It’s that time of year again. Johnny follows the others off the bus. He’s talking to Reigna as they return to meet the waiting parents, family, and friends. Johnny has just started the first grade.

“What’s that you’ve got there?”, Johnny’s mom Sophia asks.


“That picture that you’re holding.” Sophia encourages.

“It’s my picture about summer.”, Johnny tells her.

He hands his mom the picture he’s been carrying. Sophia takes it up and gives it a look. It’s a painting. It appears to be a scene depicting a gathering. There are four people around what looks like a large green donut in a yard. The yard is light brown and green, surrounded by columns that must be trees, and dots of colors which might be flowers. One of the people is holding up what looks like a towel, as the others are like dancing or waving. “What is this a picture of?’, Sophia asks. Regina and her older sister are looking over Johnny’s shoulder at the portrait.

“It’s Beck Pond when we were catching frogs.” he informs them.

Returning to her boys’ recent masterpiece she admires his work. There are a couple birds depicted in the sky above the boys. There are brush strokes of silver all above the scene at the pond. In the middle of the the sky the silver is smudged a bit, and seems brighter. “Is it about to rain on you guys at the pond?”, she wonders.

“No?! It’s sunny.”

“You forgot to paint the sky blue Johnny.”, Sophia suggests.

The sky isn’t blue mom. It’s white.”

“The sky is always blue Johnny.”, his mother corrects him.

The group at the bus stop is breaking up an overlapping conversation of hellos, How was its, see you laters, goodbyes. Regina is looking up in the sky, and says, “He’s right. It is white.”

Sophia looks up. There is a warm, very warm sensation of the sun that seems to be cued. The area about the sun is shining too brightly to actually look at, but it’s bright white. The balance of the sky is… “Oh well!?!? It is white!” , she exclaimed in real surprise. Sure enough, she stood corrected. Sophia at this point became curious and interested in what you might call the phenomena of the sky.

Balance Inquiry

Natural order is balanced. It is characterized by unity, stability, and harmony. Eras of planetary history have their distinctions. The current concept of existence here on earth is of a basic underlying stability. The inherent truth of this is so, however, the persistent press of ego will, or hyper ego will, has created an eccentric so momentous, and so sudden, that nature’s ability to compensate has been shoved to a limit. The roiling events and telemetry of the present hour indicate a major disruption and imbalance to our system/systems. Whiplash events of deluge and drought, surplus and shortage, famine and feast. Turbulent swirls of public riot and intolerance. War and/or threatening conflict and war looms as if a perpetual ticking time bomb. We’re surrounded by the harmful impacts of chemical toxicity, polluted air and water, harmful radiation and microwave exposure. Contest, contradiction, and crisis define the headlines of the day. And while personally secured comfort zones exist here and there, ignoring the pressing perimeter of desperation, depravity, and ill requires ever increasing determination. The potential harmony existence of balanced energy and interest systems here on planet earth, now and recently, seems out of reach. The standards of near constant mistrust, disillusionment, confusion, and conflict is our norm. The thought of a world without conflict is as outrageous as, oh I don’t know, reaching the summit of Mount Everest solo, blindfolded, in a bathing suit. This is an unbalanced reality. It is symptomatic of disunion with nature.

Nature is one, of one, through one, to one. In near perfect balance and harmony, nature’s gyroscopic aspects of cosmological perfection, results in compensation and purposeful stability instant by instant. Acting universally, microscopically, macroscopically, remotely, and locally for total equilibrium maintenance. The galactic jewel is planet earth. It is the crown jewel of the galaxy, with supremely attractive and valuable resources. The living, life support earth, is the provisional wonder dome that makes biologic manifest Creation’s miracle dream of unlimited expression. The inhabitants can be, and have been, unified in the glorious real interconnectivity of all guarantees life to explode with the fullness of expression in it’s health, growth, blossom wonder, and joy. This is the abundance planet that man was introduced into at the time line bracket point of the infamous “missing link.” By the mystic philosophic schism time of the Eleatic school, the course had been set for upheaval. Man had “figured” himself to be separate from nature. Disconnect from natural truth, and the risk of struggle, disillusionment, confusion, mind/body/spirit atrophy, and peril is realized. Man’s variance??? We believe, and behave as separate from, and greater than, the balance of nature! It’s like standing up in a canoe… Then stepping onto the one side edge of it’s hull.

While nature surely knows it’s requisite aggression of food chain hierarchy, nothing compares with the blood thirsty carnage of what people do to each other, and the desirable/undesirable members of the animal kingdom. Not to mention earth’s natural resources. This is consistently our case down through the eras of recorded human history. Far beyond the diet of survival, this attack lineage is personal. Hostility breeding hostility in repeating patterns of mutilation and futility, The organic resource world, innocence, as well as, the animal kingdom are held hostage. Held hostage to a ransom the limits of which appear way beyond quenchable satisfaction. Nature, the cosmos, and everything within are inextricably linked. Self imposed domination beings, however, proudly deny this with terms of subservience and control. Not all mankind has had this disconnection disease, but the ones that do stop at nothing when it comes to obliterating the rest. GENOCIDE! The karmic, organic, and natural balance has thus been thrust abruptly, wildly, off. Mixed up confusion is all around. Discordant the sound. Conclusion at hand. The cosmic irony is that the very nature man has put under intense, viscous, unremitting attack is the same nature which constantly works to help provide healing, re balance, and harmonious salvation. It’s definitely time to embrace our failing and lost connection to the natural world. Can the defilement curse of our trained abandonment of the link to the loving host be recovered? Will balance be restored in time for survival? A flourishing world would be great to experience. To that end, rewrite the agreements of the material pleasure demand and resource domination/control programing. Forget the elitism that alienates humanity from the whole, and forces organic order out of whack. The ability to accurately assess our current state is severely compromised. Discernment is at an all-time difficult. We’re under a stupor spell. This is proving to be an intensely difficult spell to break.

What kind of crazy upside down formula trance are we in? In a world that provisions more sustenance supply than one could ever want, we’re trained to compete for more than we’ll ever need. The delicate balances of our own and our hosts’ flex. Eventually to yield. Lop side a system, lop side it more, one more push and it flips. We’re all tracing through eternity on a cosmic balance beam. Galactic history has it’s cataclysms (planet/asteroid collisions, geophysical eruptions, exploding stars, cosmic storms, space/time schisms) which blow every part of the system asunder. Cosmic eternity has the patience to provide the millennia required to rebalance, renew, and resurrect. What is the cause of the current geophysical cataclysm??? Intelligent life! (If it can be called that.) We’re so busy proudly declaring our preeminence over everyone and everything that we don’t recognize that we’ve put ourselves on the threshold of the penultimate hostility. Balance or bust!

Other than working energetic practices which counter act the ongoing mania push of the modern world, meditating on the cure, and going increasingly local to supply the basic needs; the time has come to get friendly, very friendly, with the world and everything in it. No more concentrated chemicals. No more herbicide!! No more insecticide!! No more gratuitous burning of anything!! No more killing!! Welcome formerly “undesirables” of plant and animal!! Greet everything met along the way. Hi there bug (how great is it to see pollinators these days!?), bird, varmint, bat, and beast. Hello plants of grass, fungus, brush, vine, flower, tree, and weed. Sing for the oceans, ponds, lakes, and seas: everything that swims, flies, seaweeds, corals, and crawls. Our fate is collective, though our attitude is exempt. It’s nature that is going to remediate the madness, poison, and kill. Imbalance is overwhelming us, and our world, now. The opportunity is immemorial. What is the choice? This is the time whenever it’s chosen. The decision to reconsider our own individual superiority will stand as the life liberating determinant of salvation, endurance, harmony, and bliss. Balance inquiry complete. Time to RELINK!