The pen is mightier than the sword. Full power! There is no way to have publishing ability and not use it right now. Today’s view has pushed me to the brink of comprehension. Beginning with the introduction of ‘his excellency’ at the United Nations, and the first words out of his mouth after the pleasantries. And I quote, “Let me recount the progress we’ve made in these last eight years.” Stop right there… Your standing in the city where the echo of an urban explosion is still in the air! Innocent unsuspecting passersby have just been fending off stab attacks! Rioting in the streets of the latest riot city, Charlotte! Fish washing up dead by the hundreds of thousands all over, in and around the nation, in fact the world! Routine detonation of nuclear weapons! Leaking nuclear power plants! Fukushima!!! Contaminated aquifers! Gag orders on federal agencies! War on whistleblowers! Huge destruction of bombed out cities in a proxy war with Russia in Syria! Countless dead and displaced in Northern Africa and Middle East! Massive overreach of executive power! Massive increase of the national debt! Toxic municipal water supplies! Insane neurotoxin exposure! Teetering economy in a world of collapsing economy! This is all off the top of my head.
All the previous list is what we are forced to tolerate in our minds if we get anything like true journalism, and can begin to wrap our minds around them without losing these self same minds. (Not easy) Today, however, I personally was pushed over the edge of organized restraint in response to a specific phenomena. Sky crime! Today, all day, was spent under an industrial attack sky of intentional deliberate pollution as we get sprayed into submission! This overwhelming sky spray program is the straw that consistently breaks the barrier of phenomenal shock for me. I’ve seen the damn exemption from the law preventing populace spraying. It’s drastically absurd and amazingly sick! This is my two and a half cents on a day of profound witness. Now this message enters the cyber ether realm of consciousness contribution to counter balance disinformation, obstruction, double speak, false narration, blatant lie, reverse speculation, fraud and deceit which all conspire in dissonance. There is particular focus on the plane spray obscenity, which is being used as an enhanced dissonance program! Well… to whomever it may concern… It’s not working on all of us.
Justice speaks.