Tuning into the Biden-Fauci YouTube Town Hall was like rubbernecking a car wreck on the highway. We’re going to be on our way, but had to slow down to check out what happened. Pretty sad state of affairs from this view point. If millions of lives are supposedly on the line, then this passionless, faux passion full, and infantile recitation of presumed life saving information is sad. Culturally the, over produced, event is the next ratchet down on the dumb down scale. Each guy’s delivery was as disingenuous and hollow as a novice actor’s recitation of rote dialogue for a play they don’t care about. Real life never, ever, comes of this way. Never. If our collective circumstances are even half as dire as they’re made out to be, these guys would never be taking scripted idiocy questions from light weight, B list celebrities that care more about a schtick than an answer. The redeeming quality of this YouTube event is that it further tips the hand of the media director’s obvious effort to propagandize.
After tuning out, and thinking for a minute about where this message is coming from, a certain solace has prevailed. With all the technology available today, and all the really competent actors likely for hire, this is the best that the propaganda production team can do? That’s freakin sad. Stupidity events like this actually work against the monopolist string pullers that are endeavoring to gain, and/or maintain social controls. This Biden-Fauci YouTube Town Hall was a shit show embarrassment. It wouldn’t, at all, be a surprise to find out that viewers that actually support the fraud narrative of the modern world would reevaluate their position based on watching these two failures sleep walk through this puff piece. The best thing that the social engineers have going for them is that, with the rampant disinterest regarding the redundant clang of repeated false alarming and intently short attention spans, very few people actually watch. Word up. Thank for the show. It strongly reinforced the idea that independence from the modern control web isn’t just important; it’s very much achievable.