Vision Play

Behind the veil of our ordinary consciousness resides a vision garden of source connectivity. Activated generationally by intrepid personal witness the dream visions establish the basis of our collective stories which reach beyond explanation and ordinary understanding. Animation of each vision story provides a life purpose driven into our awareness and provisional expression. It becomes our living witness to an intel-knowledge field which consistently reenforces the exact reason for being. Specifically, allegorically, symbolically we role play and repeat, activating dream vision bestowed truth, and providing ourselves with meaning and order. Carefully dedicated visionary guidance leads us, bringing our chaotic, random, confused digit schema to it’s forever meant new and higher state. Our ordered purpose place is well beyond the small scale immediate personal pleasure place of impermanence. Consequently we put ourselves on the path of spiritual ascension, bliss, power, and growth climaxing in orgasmic euphoria splendor. Continuing to participate in the journey, reanimating and reproducing the story experience, the vision power essence is affirmed, reenforced, and sustained for member upon member in a connection dance of promise. Participation results in authenticity and identification of our own lives, and The Order is given witness allowing it to be made manifest in spontaneous harmony. This potential reality awareness results in fulfillment when it is consistently chosen. The rites of the collective tradition evolves with mystical enlightenment, thus maintaining it’s contemporary dynamic relevance, and updating the direction toward the ultimate climactic expression. Ultimate survival depends on an unwarranted dedication to the vision story cause, and what we choose. The variable of choice, which makes life life, provides the deciding factor of how events and results play out.

The vision stories are the myths of time immemorial. By cultivation and dedication the life giving updates flow into being enhancing experience and elevating the collective consciousness. Any disruption or discontinuity retards our progress, splintering the collective, handicapping our abilities and effectiveness of growth. When prolonged disconnection exists a confusion of discordant identity loss prevails. At this point we’re on the path of atrophy and loss. Ultimate loss. Here is found the existence of dark art reward. The Lie. Life no longer flourishes. As in fatal death engine nightmares, destruction and death won’t end it. Darkness endures and endures becoming the agencies of consumption, decay, and waste characterized by poisonousness. Poison atmospheres, minds, and desires lack nourishment and promote deprivation by assumption, exploitation, and vampiric theft.

While anti life darkness spirits are necessary to maintain cosmic balance or choice, once chosen, or repeatedly chosen they have a remarkably strong tracking signal creating a nearly inescapable gravity field of darkness and fatality. Agents of frustration energies and retrograde enforce the bidding of despair gaining their temporary infusion of breath while the host sickens to perish.

The endurance path of decay, the agents of demise, and the spirit of anti life need to be acknowledged and identified by anyone endeavoring to follow the ascension path. The true matter of despair could be, and should be, experienced. Through the play acting vision animation practice we host the dark. In this way we come to realize the magnitude of our personal and collective choices. Without playing out, producing, and reproducing our vision field dramas of truth we lose the sustenance of importance magnitude of what we choose. The choice identity becomes as variable as the whim. Choices driven by immediate reward folly resultant in regressive series of seemingly  unrelated non coherent expressions of a confused body, characterized by contradiction and wasteful death madness. Enduring value is lost and forsaken by perceived reactionary need. Without help, huge help, and a likely random chance desire to accept it, tragedy fate is sealed. A sealed fate for the lost soul, and the lost soul collective, devolving down into everlasting inescapable dark. Meanwhile, the divergent path of ascension bliss traveled by light infused souls makes it’s progression with equal invitation. Finding our lost/forgotten part in the vision play of reward promise is to be a challenge, maintaining it challenging as well. The moment to moment dichotomous event theater proceeds. What is to be the choice?

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