More To Come…

It’s very difficult, right now, to consider traditional societal institutions as anything more than a complete joke. It’s like a theater play that’s gone on too long. The actors, and participants have become lazy embarrassments. One empty suit after the next feigning sincerity, through a look of obvious could give a shit, and delivering patterned scripts that got old generations ago. Today’s speech makers are always at the mercy of silly absurdity. As each “national affair” unfolds along the tired lines of history repeating itself. The cliches of the supporting narrative get thinner and thinner with a pale transparency leaving the narrater looking like a nakedly discredited buffoon. Nobody would ever repeat these fraudulent national interest updates unless they were completely sold out, on the take, and/or serving as a puppet parrot. You couldn’t leave half of our so called societal leaders in charge of a shopping list for Piggly Wiggly let alone nuclear policy. The only thing keeping this tragic failure going is the intense lingering political commitment of the we’re right, you’re not scorekeeping game that is holding on by nothing more than pridefully closed minds at this point.

More to come…

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