How important is what we’re taught and told? Perhaps it’s as important as unbroken DNA, and our intrinsic faith origin. We are at the mercy of what we’re told. We are at the mercy of the spirit animating those that tell us, as well as, those that are telling our teachers. Systems have inertia. Learning systems have cause and effect inertia. How important is it? Massively important!
Bombarded by information. It comes from every direction. Stimulus. Stimulus. More stimulus. Info sources abounding. We learn. Beliefs, understanding, ideas, and attitudes fill in automatically. The evaluation now begins about the quality, merit, and validity, of what we’re told because it has such a profound effect on decision making, and our ability to become people in full. This evaluation requires a steady internal system below and above the mind. A system characterized by objectivity, purity, intuition, sensibility, and balance. A system which is source reliant. The most trustworthy source is the most desirable source it would seem to me. What is this source reliant internal system??? What is the source???
The internal system is our conscience. The source… The source is a collectively realized truth harmony of consistent response. While the source is immaterial absolutely, there is unmistakable evidence it exists. It has been witnessed over and over again. An example could be the acrobat. The acrobat performs a stunt to amaze. The extraordinary witness prompts an automatic response. We witness spontaneously, and it’s realized by a collective,”Ahhhhh!! Ohhhhh!!” Together we have known a truth, and have responded accordingly. These internal spontaneous responses happen just the same in spite of the fact that we may be by ourselves when they’re prompted. . We seek to synthesize our current individual truths to find originality. Collectively created we find a story of origin which will provide a stable connection to the ultimate. In this way we set a course for liberation from misinformation, freedom depriving controls, deceit, and exploitation.
The Synthetic Myth