It is all so massive and minuscule. Earth is a massive planetary well of deep, seemingly inexhaustible resources. Earth is a speck of cosmic dust orbiting a star in the Orion Spur of the Milky Way galaxy. The history of human civilization, and culture, is voluminous with layers of events and intrigue. Human history is less than one one hundredth of one percent of the history of life on earth. Perception is everything. On the one hand, a subject or event could be like the most important thing. On the other hand, it may mean nothing. I could be the guy that wants to get into a fight with the next person in line at the convenience store because I’m still pissed off over the outcome of a sports game, and the person I’m about to fight with would not even know what the game is. So, how do we come to grips with the actuality of matters at hand, the scale, and how it’s perceived. It’s all or nothing, or nothing at all. How important is it? It’s all in what you’re looking at, and how you’re looking at it.
Media matters have been masterminded for millennia. Media traditions have an exceedingly wide range. From the subliminal to the sublime range the means of instruction that is communicated and shared. Is it the voice heard in the head, the broadcast heard by many, the rumor spreading through the crowd, the oral tradition passed down generationally, the suspicion of intuition, the song sing songed by the poet, or the mandate issued by the boss? Streaming from transmitter to receiver the evolutionary procession of events is fertilized with the information at hand. Suspect the informer, and seal the receiver. The character of the event cascade is a function of the character of the information. Who/what is spreading the word, and why?
Pure communication has coherence. Impure communication is incoherent. Chaos exists. It is a necessary and regular variable in the function of reality. The reality stream in and out of chaos is everlasting; no problem. Order is a variable also. No problem. Reconciling the reality function with these two variables in perpetual play is a major memorial aspect of the experience of life. The meaning, purpose, and expression of the happenings included in the reality is the nature of each bubble of reality, and that bubble’s culture. So, the purity of the communication, from the simple cellular function, all the way up to the complex biophysical structure affects the evolutionary trend for chaos or order. The indicator that is of interest right now is whether or not this aspect of reality is gaining or losing coherence in the primary awareness of the human inhabitants of earth. Are things growing more orderly or chaotic? That answer is relatively important. What’s the scale of the realty? It is all in how you look at it.
For the sake of this discussion, I am going to try and not impose importance on any aspect of any particular topic. There is, however, some topic matter that is impressed on us as being of great importance. The fragility of public health and safety is a routine theme stressed of deserving our utmost attention. Capitalizing on the dualistic insistences of us and them, as well as, the repetitive reminder that our health is at constant risk, traditional media sources insist that we comply with specific dictates, and shut off consideration of any alternatives. The messaging is very strict, yet very shaky, in my view. We’ve been repeatedly told to trust our governmental leadership, and system, for societal, and fiscal responsibility. There’s an ever increasing push to get modern medicine into our lives to make us more well. There was supposedly an Industrial Age phase change to cleaner environmental practice put into place generations ago. Nuclear responsibility was like a pledge. Commitment to international cooperation and detente was a promise. Transparency!! Not to mention the God given right to freedom, justice, and liberty. And where do stand, in any one’s view, on these issues today? What is the trend? From where I’m standing it looks like there is a factor contributing to major league incoherence, and a trend in the direction of increased chaos; if not mass confusion. It’s hard to think of a reason to not seriously consider the source of our mainstream information.
Conventional wisdom is easy to breakdown once the closed mind opens. Therein lies the trick, and the potential reason why. There’s no obligation to think outside the box, however, it will provide a change in perspective. Try and wrap the mind around this. It might be a valuable place to start. (Apathy and/or disinterest not withstanding) There is no distance that can separate two entangled particles, none. They can be light years apart, and have instantaneous communication. So how big is space!? There is an infinite amount of space inside an atom. So how small is the atom!? There is a value to reconsidering conventional wisdom. There is a value in taking formerly trusted news/information sources with a grain of salt. The departure, and new view of reality may be the difference between a shiny water planet blue ball of earth majestically, blissfully, swimming in harmony with eternity, or an alter self spinning as burnt speck of rock dust circling the sun. In quantum reality both are true. How I/we relate to the “News of the World” will determine how and what comes about. It’s all in how you look at it.