Way Past The Waste

After pointing out that the forecast for eighteen hours of snow at temperatures above 32 degrees Fahrenheit seemed odd, I was given a weather breakdown about how temperature in the atmosphere make this scenario possible. So, what actually happened? Well it snowed alright. The longer it went, the wetter it got. Eventually the precipitation transitioned to rain. The total accumulation is about a quarter of the prediction, and the question of the forecast was more accurate than the forecast itself. So much for the apologetic breakdown. This topic would not have much meaning, in the big picture sense, if I believed that Mother Nature were in charge, and weather is unpredictable. That is not the case. I believe that a nightmare of Henry David Thoreau proportion is happening.

“Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.” Henry David Thoreau. The topic of weather modification, the aerosols that are used for it, and the effects are inconsequential to most. They are, however, very easy to research. It’s not like a hidden topic. While I was outside last night shoveling the wetenning snow there was a parade of flights overhead that could not be missed. Those planes could not have been all that high. They were loud. One after the other, after the other, after the next. Nonstop from 9:30 through 11pm. Then this morning when I went back out to deal with what’s left of the sloppy mess, the parade was still going. There’s no heavy traffic airport near here, and I’m frequently out there at all hours, and never heard anything like that. What’s clouded by those clouds on this stormy night is Thoreau’s black dream. Geoengineers are pouring it on these days. It was remarkable to witness.

One can speculate as to why weather control has become this desperate onslaught, but while we’re all wondering how long the next migrant train is, or who’s running for president in two years, or how fast inflation will slowdown, or how many stolen files are locked up in Mar a Lago there is atmospheric engineering running full throttle. As we were saying, many fallout elements of atmospheric engineering programs are reported on all the time. We just don’t connect them to the geoengineering program; in spite of the fact that predictions of the programs detail exactly the phenomena that is now widely observable. Whether it’s nano air pollution, contaminated rain and/or snow, micro plastics everywhere, epidemic algae blooms, rampant breathing disorders, or water freezing above freezing the down stream effects are on us. Chicken Little was right, and maybe not hysterical enough. The control sky of a crumbling detour from sanity has peaked. It won’t stop the desperate atmospheric control scientists from continuing their effort to create the reality they need, but we are way past the waste.

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