Here’s A Chance

Liberty is rooted in authenticity. Facsimile, fraud, and misguidance degrade one’s truth, pervert objectives, and distort the meaning of freedom. The liberty to be one’s full self is a birth right. Actively supporting this birth right has layers of responsibility. Personal, familial, group, and civic responsibilities underpin the whole deal. It’s difficult to overstate the importance of knowing the truth about our lives when it comes to actually understanding them. So, exercising liberty, growing our spirits, and our selves as people, really relies on the variables of factual accuracy in the function of social, communal, and personal development, not to mention some real context integrity to our heritage. As inhabitants of a modern version of the world, we find ourselves in an environment full of official descriptions of the world, and our place in it. Because environmental quality affects the quality of everything in it, and vice versa, it is key that the space in which our shared reality happens is as pure as can be. Discerning the quality of our environment right now is a challenge for sure. The ongoing info mania explosion bombards emotional and attention senses from all over. The raging inconsistencies of the official world story rapidly accelerated the crushing of trust. Trust of official authorities has been in atrophy, and the response by those that demand informational command is to double down on absurdity and control. Absurdity tremors are so quaking the ground that even those committed to burying their collective heads in the sand can’t miss the wake call. Bravery is an asset now with the lid of merit has been blown off the traditional vessels of truth, and most every belief system will hang in the balance. There is more to believe in than the material monstrosity lie that’s been force fed to generations of people through the millennia. There are intrepid guides leading the way into the exploration of true heritage and through the ghastly mess of this shameful paradigm collapse. This disintegration of technocratic theft system is a big chance to shake the chains of imposed servitude and claiming a most precious, though largely unknown, liberty.

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