
The world that we work to make is the world that we will inherit. The engineers that are working overtime to manipulate the earth’s energetic systems are working intentionally engineering means to steal planet Earth’s resources for themselves. There is some seriously tough karma created with the mass degradation these engineering experiments are responsible for. The kleptocratic monopolists that have long angled for domination are closing in on a finished product. Behind the lines of each new war ordinance detonation, radioactive waste dump, and forest burn down is a hulking mass of inhospitable sterility. This resource rich world is what these war mongering monopolistic kleptocrats want; the byproduct of the terror storm being used to take it is what your left with. Guess what? This isn’t the only state, or form, of the world that there is. It’s surprising that the devilish corporate oligarchs, that are clearly animated by evil, don’t realize the futility of the take over quest, but apparently they don’t. The world we make is the world that we will inherit. There is another option. Multiple options actually.

As deprived as we are about nature’s capacities for provision, and humanity’s capacities for growth are, we still aren’t as full of gluttony, selfishness, hatred, ignorance, and fear as would be required to run a planet down. Look around. Watch yourself. Right action is happening. There are any number of people that operate daily from the do no harm place. There is love being shared in homes, towns, and precincts all over. This creates a world reality too. For crying out loud, the puppet masters that push the narration that all the world is a problem waiting to happen are just scintilla of the whole. Corporate captains may have grabbed the broadcast mic, and screamed, “Fear thy neighbor! Fear the sicknesses! Fear the insects! Fear the extra terrestrial. Fear the…”, but who are these fear pornographer puppet masters anyway!? They’re not anybody I know. We the people have unknowingly done some of the corporation’s bidding, but one will never know any of these scam artist string pullers in person. They’re too scared themselves to actually face any one of us. They’re in the guarded constancy of, what might be perceived, a privileged luxury and material fortune. This is the precursor to the disaster they are actively creating. Meanwhile the rest of us are largely coping with the fallout of technological “progress’ and sharing good will in a variety of forms without even really trying. Even the most screwed up and selfish among us don’t go out of our way to commit acts of harm, terrorism, or wide scale wrong. We’re literally in separate worlds. The separation at hand is literal, and actual; not virtual. Once the recognition kicks in that life is not what any president, talking head, of corporate boss says it is, and critical thought kicks in, things change.

So, what world do I really want? One doesn’t have to look any further than the latest news cast to see what our current shared reality is characterized by. There is heightened sensitivity about every subject imaginable. From ethnicity, to gender, to class, to politics, to sex, to guns, to germs, to nation, to the environment, to space, to economics, to GMOs, to medicine, to history, to mental health, to justice, and even to matters of taste the bounds of offense, threat, confusion, and concern know no limit. That’s what is consistently reported on about our modern world. It is being driven by corporate interests; period. Conversely, there is the juxtaposition of terms when it comes to actual first hand experience. Whenever you look around, you see a wide variety of expressions. Some expressions are down right peaceful. It is undeniable. How is this possible in a world of stress? Good question. Like the saying goes, “If you can keep your head when those about you are losing theirs, you clearly don’t understand the situation. There is a sort of bliss associated with not being too hung up on current events of the modern world. We can make choices that are alternative to what the established modern media suggests we should. A commitment to right action, pays off in a right feeling. With enough right action, the integrity of the feeling, the okay-ness of the world, and one’s place in it, becomes firm. Come what may, our world, the view of it, and the experience in it becomes solid, sturdy, steady, and orderly.

The parasitic kleptocrats that have had their way in steering popular thinking for millennia. Just because the prevailing idea about sentience is trashed and the formidable nature of collective consciousness is lost, doesn’t mean that the quantum impacts of these co-creative elements are not eternally in play. There’s a big difference in worlds that are driven by interests of service to self and service to others. They are in fact worlds apart. So, does the day get characterized by give and take, or take and waste? It would be great to think that right now this can be distinguished. What’ll it be?

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