A Smokescreen

This blog site evolved out of a journal. The journal was necessary to prevent anger about the pollution clouds behind jet planes from firing out in all directions. By writing down the thoughts, feelings, and observations about geoengineering, it was possible to continue on in daily life with a modicum of civility and calm. The obsession with sky spraying did not have to manifest as an ongoing rant. Meaningful relationships of all varieties did not have to suffer from a near constant Chicken Little warning and complaint. Each day’s aerial observations would get journaled into a log. The number of days that no spraying was happening were scant. Alarms persistently were going off in the mind, “DO SOMETHING!!”

The early activist efforts were very low tech. The composition of an information message was hand written on pieces of loose leaf paper. Each piece was triple-folded and left in random spots all over. From gas pump to grocery store, restaurants, lumber yards, transfer stations, playgrounds, bus stops… All over. There wasn’t any need for the satisfaction of seeing results of this, however, there was a very real satisfaction in knowing that this passionate message was spreading. The next incremental step was the step into technology. A flyer was chosen from the activist suggestion section on the geoengineeringwatch.org website. A printable flyer could be downloaded for free, and it resulted in a box full of hundreds of pieces. The local area was littered with these flyers. Some of them got handed directly to people who had questions and concerns of their own. All the while, the sky above is raging daily with planes leaving vast amounts of pollution in what often appeared to be a massive and ominous sky writing campaign. Again the mind shout was happening, “DO SOMETHING!!”

The syntheticmyth.org is an amalgam. It is meant to refer to civilization’s and culture’s collective story. It’s the big picture stuff that is built with individual stories from traditions galore. It is referring to the metaphysic of planetary conditions and development as the planets’ inhabitants make their impact. Any and all mythological stories that clarifies cultural reference points are more than welcome. It is a combined tale. Like the Hopi Indian apocalypse prophecy, -toward the end of the world, Spider Woman will come back… Everywhere we will see her web.-

The synthetic myth is an offering. The offering goes any place that it may help in appropriately raising awareness. If the matters are of no concern, or unwelcome, so be it. That said, the recent haze that has enveloped our air has raised the bar again, “DO SOMETHING!!”

Atmospheric spraying is part of a systemic control system that has a long chronology. The sky spraying happening in the modern world of today is a continuation of control efforts that are generations old. The noticeable “cobweb” in the sky features in the past two decades are part of geoengineering programs that have been increasing in intensity. The agents, and agencies, that are deploying the programs must be of the psycho-science variety because the entirety of the “at scale” programming is officially denied. That, in my view, makes the whole topic, officially, a cosmic level joke. The fallout, however, is no laughing matter. So, while the generators of the atmospheric tampering programs do their level best to marginalize any exposé of now full throttle geoengineering programs (which by the way, the experts of go out of their way to define and describe in thorough detail), the observable features of the geoengineering become more, and more, and more obvious. The wake up is now out of the margin. The present mass scale smoke screen enveloping big sections of continents is a sad, and obvious, strategy meant to obfuscate facts about geoengineering. Literally hide atmospheric intervantion elements in plumes of plausible denial smoke. God only knows what the karmic weight of intentionally preparing earth’s forests for incineration, intentionally lighting them, then reinforcing normalcy biased about forest fires while a mass scale choke out happens. That karmic weight has to be off the chart heavy!

The commitment of the industrial captains to continue to double, triple, quadruple… down on their geoengineering programs not withstanding, the smoke and mirror plans are shattering and blowing away. The minute that this most recent wave of haze began moving in the United States, questions immediately began being asked about the true source of the smoke. The same questions were asked here. A month ago it was easy to track the pollution from a Canadian wildfire. This time the plume appeared to be coming from a central location that would’ve had to coincide with major cities, and/or The Great Lakes being on fire. Obviously the denial of geoengineering has become farcical. Ironically the proverbial smoke screen of confusion and distraction is lifting just as a most terrible literal smoke screens are settling in. We have collectively made it to a most remarkable place. It is heart wrenching to think how desperately toxic the environment can be, and also refreshing to know that in spite of the haze, the view could be so clear.

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