It’s a false flag frenzy. The inexplicable holes in the most sophisticated defense systems ever dreamed of are not anything but intentional. Imperial fortresses like the USA and Israeli have astronomical security surveillance systems. All the planning for violent attacks through these security boundaries is coming from within them. It is beyond obvious. Organized groups hiding in and behind the societal political arms (aka governments) of corporate enterprises are masterminding theatrical attack plans against themselves. The plans are facilitated and executed, the finger is pointed, the blame is laid, and the righteous call for justice is immediately blared in order to initiate retribution before any one with any common senses left can come to them. The immediate political will to unleash a mercilessly hyper violent type of “revenge” is manufactured. Fury has been unleashed again and again. The false flag schema does not always work because the scheme requires that a heavy percentage of the gross population buy the shock, share the outrage, and condemn the enemy, and cry for justice; a justice that today can be just as easily referred to as a genocidal death sentence, The karmic loading of these event processions is staggering. This karmic load has become so insanely heavy that Atlas’s back has been crushed. And as this monumental tragedy of, beyond nightmarish, brutality is being leveled, I find myself actually having an emotional response to a ball game?! A ball game!! There is some evaluating, and re-evaluating to do.
It’s important to get beyond the cliche. The repetition of lines like, “They have a right to defend themselves.”, “They have been fighting generations.”, “All they understand is violence.”, “Peace through superior force.” is pointless unless one consider that this vernacular is the refrain of the doomsday theme song, and it reinforces superficial attitudes about fairness, objectivity, and the trajectory of civility. There is a severe mentality affliction on us of a selfishness contagion that keeps the severity of our eternal everlasting linkage to ourselves, our earth, and our fellow travelers remote, unseen, and seemingly unknown. This is true because there are scenes of unspeakably violent content that come up on the screen, and there is no sustained visceral response. There is more of an intellectual opinion response delivered with some self righteous tone of what other people need to do. It’s a programmed response, and my ego runs with it. There is more.
The overall planning that has established the ground work for the workings of organized war machine operations deserve more scrutiny. it’s one thing to have a disagreement that degenerates to violence, it’s another thing to outrightly dedicate massive resources to the creative development of sophisticated anti personal munitions. The entire mirage surrounding the insistence of the requirement of industrial war making capacity is driving a narrative that infects anyone exposed to it. All the subjects of societies exposed to this military might first culture are infected. That’s a big part as to why I can see an image of a street (that could just as easily be mine) littered with the exploded, bloated, dismembered bodies, turn around, self righteously criticize the war scene, and then get back to the ball game. I’ve been affected by a serious cultural infection.
Whispers keep happening subtly in what might be called the uninfected mind, “Do something.” This writing is part of the effort to do that; to do something outside the programmed response box of predictability. Care for something. Care for someone. Try to do it without keeping a scoresheet of what to get in return. Consider the possibility of not needing immediate gratification. This type of stuff needs no justification, and it earns a reprieve from the ghastly gruesome compartment of reality in which brutality is normalized. The ultra controllers of modern, hyper military, society are covertly attacking themselves, in this barely veiled false flag frenzy that chronically opens the door on the next bombardment of human collateral. These imperial controllers have lost control. This out of control type of unquenchable thirst for more is forcing the progenitors of the military capitalization to reach. Their reaching exposes them. The obviousness of the fraud is our liberation. It has been accessed for now. To heck with the ball game. It sucks knowing that people, places, and things are being gratuitously exploded so insatiable war mongers can go on critically wasting nature’s most wondrous resources, and futilely trying to satisfy blood lust, envy, and hatred. With all the tolerance, courage, and compassion that can be summoned it’s time to turn the corner on this mesmerizing insanity. Whether it’s a random act of kindness, civil disobedience, or resisting the urge to lash out in anger, almost anything is an improvement over the grotesque ultra violence that has progressively become a type of acceptable norm of the modern world.