It must have been roughly 2012 when my good friend Irene and I were standing in her front yard. We were wrapping up a conversation when Irene noticed a jet plane flying overhead. She explained that the white stream behind the plane was an intentional aerosol dispersion, and the government was spraying us. Irene has been one of my best friends. I know her to have an alternative, unconventional, worldview. Irene gets a lot of latitude with me. I appreciate her thoughts and ideas regardless of how far out they seem. Initially the story impressed me as being ridiculously speculative, hyper, and wrong. That said, the information prompted a search. The reports of geoengineering were not difficult to find. The history of weather modification is not disputed, atmospheric engineering geophysical phenomena (like global dimming) was being reported on, and a handful media personalities were explain the geoengineering programming. My worldview changed. Observationally, I started paying a lot more attention to the sky.
All of a sudden the number of planes leaving trails seemed to be every where. There was daily evidence. On some days the number of planes was overwhelming, and the intensity of the jet plane made clouds was staggering. The alert was on. “Look! Look! Look!” I would exclaim. The witness and warning I found myself providing went nowhere. It went nowhere with everybody. The lonely feeling wasn’t too bad because there were people hip to the programming that were reporting on it. That provided solace, but the obsession with watching the sky preoccupied me, and I got pissed. Make no mistake; this was a burning discontent and anger about, what I strongly believed to be, an enormous injustice. There may be people out there somewhere that cared about what looked like a sky crime, but in my immediate world I was alienating myself. …Not good.
Journaling was a the first strategy for diffusing the internal angst brought on by jet plane spraying. It worked well until it didn’t. Eventually the dissatisfaction of not recognizing a deescalation of the geoengineering programming began working me back into conflict. At this point I went into more action. I created flyers, and began distributing them. This activation calmed my senses, although it also began to wear off. In 2016 this blog started. The Synthetic Myth has always been a metaphysical tool used to share a point of view that could be added to the cyber collective, and the overall collective consciousness, as a perceived element of reality . Whatever progressive form our overall awareness, consciousness, and reality becomes will have this in the collection. The sense that this writing, and continued message carrying, is the best I can do right now has helped to bring about a calmness of knowing that this witnessing is working as a part the force for healing and help.
Today things are different. The sense of being alienated, or alone, is gone. Reports are everywhere about the geophysical fallout of climate engineering, aka geoengineering. Sky spray contamination is ubiquitous, identified, measurable, and measured. How can you hold it against people that don’t see it, or believe it’s happening? I was one of those people. At the same time, there are innumerable numbers of people for whom the exposure of geoengineering is a passion. This is some witnessing. It is growing and growing. The trend of increasing numbers of people that are facing up to, and reporting on sky spraying is telltale. We are witnessing an immense social structural collapse. The frequent reports on climate engineering, and its fallout, keep coming. The deniers and defenders of sky spray programming are in, what has to be, a shrinking lot. Grade school kids are routinely aware of the spraying for crying out loud; just ask them. This general awakening is satisfying to witness, however, there is a metaphysic to this story.
Geoengineering is a symptom. Better understanding what it is reported to be has opened up a type of Pandora’s box of worldview. In a vacuum, I would say, that the ability to trust big tech, big corp, big government has been destroyed. My first real alert to the magnitude of this was 911. It turns out that the evidence of nefarious dark forces working on Earth is as old as civilization itself. Let’s face it, dark force is a cosmic reality. It has its expressions. An important issue is how one recognizes it and operates with it. The operations are a matter of choice. The recognition is tricky. There is some witness now to the essential nature of what is taking place in our shared reality bubble. Subjects that are no longer marginalized as being conspiratorial include false flags, vaccines and big Pharma racketeering, criminal warring, rigged finances, hijacked politics, mind control indoctrination, human origin, free energy, flat earth, and on, and on. This is the upside of the obviousness of being part of a populace that is under attack. Now, let’s see how this same populace, or some part of it, can wriggle out of the straight jacket of control that, by almost any account, is tight and getting tighter. Any way it gets sliced, this is something remarkable to witness.