One of the more rewarding aspects of witnessing the modern world collapse is watching critically important, earth shaking news stories wisp, fade, disappear, and die. As soon as these critical “Breaking News” stories run up against actual accounting and reckoning, they are gone with a fawn, a wash, and denial. The next thing you know, nobody said that, the situation was fluid, and another breakthrough crisis takes place. This entire news cycle drive to distraction has spun right into the criminally absurd. Headline news failure is now so abrupt, shock and awe events are basically D.O.A. If it were not for the abject tragedies of this dark modern world faux journalism comedy, all these wars, illnesses, and outrages would be laughed off and dismissed out of hand. Every now and then it comes to mind how much energy goes into bringing all these orchestrated events to bear. What a waste! These disaster event progenitors have no regard for voracity, and just like the stories that ensue from the fraud, they are fading into irrelevancy. The dark anti life consciousness that today is failing out has been in progressively intensifying operations for generations and millennia. While it goes down, a consciousness rises in the ebb and flow of resperative equilibrium. Alert! The next critical news story is breaking… down.