The kleptocratic class of syndicated corporate, self imposed, dictators of world affairs have confidence, and faith, in their control tools. The wrong obviousness of themes like, “Borrow you way out of debt.”, Peace through superior force.” is lost to the “trust us”, “must be” propaganda politics of the modern world industries developed to harvest all of our attention, interest, and resource. Unless all of us dopy minions inhabiting the vast communities making up society at large don’t drop into lockstep with the coded demands delivered to us through sycophantic “yes” puppets posing as chief executives, legislators, prime ministers, and justices then the intensity of the control tools, are increased. So all the different war forms, which are the tools of control, progressively become gratuitously abused. The upside of this abusive intensity is that, one by one by eventually many, it blasts through the denial of the existence, viability, necessity, and truth of these controls. Waking up to madness is the benefit of progressively intensifying harmful conditions, and is a valuable redeeming counter balance to the protracted tragedy of all those that find themselves on the business end of all this spastic warfare. One thing has been demonstrated without any question, the levels of barbarism, the agents and bosses of the current corporate world, has no limit. Truth of the disastrous failure of relying on toxic control tools still resides as denial for swaths of the human community. That, however, hasn’t proven to be any kind of brake system for the controls that have clearly run out of control. The hopeful optimist presents as if the world’s pressures of control will relax and stop. In one person’s view that can’t happen soon enough. An inside upheaval, displacement, and rearrangement of all our current understandings is the prerequisite. Surely, this is the major benefit of the circumstantial intensity of the present environmental and existential now.