
If someone is rushed to an emergency room, nobody is saying, “How did this happen?” What they are saying is, ” Stop the bleeding!” The modern world industrial bloodletting of earth is an intentional, deliberate, gash into the resource rich veins of the planet. Thanks to gross irresponsibility of exploitation captains, agencies, and agents the environment is trashed, and in critical condition. It’s surely important to understand why groups of beings determined and willing to completely strip mine earth, but this is a first things first thing. We are bleeding out. The return on this planetary bleed out has been a facade of elevated living standards and a series of excuses for all the waste; an intense quantum industrial waste. The leaders of earth’s kleptocracy movement move quickly, and constantly, to assuage concerns for downstream problems with faux expertise tones claiming to know more than you do, that conditions are not that bad, and that oversight authorities secure collective protection. “Trust us”, we’re told. The ensuing malaise and concession of the populace has cleared the way for widespread toxicity. Then, occasionally, a news flash will pop up of a local concentration of poisonous pollution event. The result a grinding up the environment, extracting the worth, and recklessly, negligently, greedily, and unjustly dumping the byproducts straight into the environment. Then our leaders and authorities put their heads together, reinforce their scam, concoct some plausible excuse, shut up the loudest whistleblowers and critics, tell the rest of us to go home, move the operations, and get back to business. Conditions are right now beyond peak insanity. Social systems are broken. Governments are perverse. Extinction is advanced. People, all over the place, are distracted, broken, sick, and/or angry. We’re basically all hanging on in some way or another. There is more trouble in our realm than most can wrap their minds around, yet the conditioned follow the orders march toward material security continues. Code red! Code red!

There isn’t much point in claiming that one trouble or problem is more important than the next. Problems are real, and the one’s you believe are most serious, are; they really are. That said, anyone that really thought that developing atomic energy was sustainable was way off, especially given the attitude of the most antisocial and psychotic among us, which happen to be the one’s working the levers of control. The rest of the “businessmen”, and paid for in house “scientists” know that the presentation of atomic sustainability is disingenuous; it always has been. And give people credit, the technological, manufacturing, and construction abilities of humans is amazingly high. It’s amazing, and amazingly limited. With the right encouragement, and bribery, we’ll build this remarkably amazing TRAP! Perhaps the only technology rivaling the reactor technology is the mind numbing propaganda technology. Watching those South Pacific islanders sitting there on the beach, at the beginning of the Atomic Age, listening to those military guys explain to them, through an interpreter, about the nobility of relocating so the coast would be clear to nuke the island is so sadly sickening that it’s like heartbreaking. Now nuclear authorities that have claimed the right to responsibly develop atomic energy are caught with their pants so far down that one would have to want nuclear fallout contamination to allow these agencies to continue to operate. Failure! Absolute failure in terms of sustainability. Total success in terms of worldwide contamination. As a group, we are way down the road of, “Uh oh?!”

As a lay person, and an armchair researcher, the best my memory can pull up is that the world wide plan for what to ultimately do with radioactive materials is to store them until there’s a sound means of detoxification. As of now… No plan. In the meantime, geniuses of the technocratic order figure out how to repurpose nuke waste, like is done with fluorosilicic acid and coal fly ash; taking it out of hazardous waste containers and making it an ingredient in everyday use products. Hence, depleted uranium ammunition… The rest of the nuclear nightmare story is streamed as a thrilling tragedy. Thanks to non stop propaganda most of us sleep our way through stories we don’t really want to hear anyway. Accidents and decay have a leak legacy that will not be denied. Like everything else, it’s not a problem till it is.

A brief list of some headlines relating to the nuclear energy industry; TEPCO analysis and releases ground water at Fukushima. Results confirm that samples are below operational targets at the site of Fukushima’s nuclear meltdown; triple meltdown. – Imminent collapse of the Chernobyl sarcophagus. – Endless fallout: the Pacific idyll still facing nuclear blight 77 years on. -Nuked & Sinking; The Marshall Islands. -The thawing arctic and the nuclear tests at Novaya Zemlya and Camp Century. -Hanford tank leaks. -Oak Ridge ships 80,000 pounds of waste. -CBS News as of 2011, radioactive leaks found at 75% of US nuke sites. -Depleted uranium ammunition sent to Ukraine. . ..and on, and on…

The disqualification of any authority, or any official source stating, that atomic material is, has, or ever will be handled responsibly is complete. Atomic energy is just one element of an engineering/scientific field of endeavor (albeit a big one) that calls for the utmost respect and deliberate care. It has been so terrifically carelessly disrespected that words can’t even begin to effectively describe the calamitously disgraceful behavior of industrial leaders. The obviousness of dastardly crime is the only upside to the tragedies of abuse and degradation. Enough. Stop the bleeding.

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