In a world, worlds apart, and distinguished by a majority populace with an aloofness that only the most severe series of concussive head blows could have created, sustainable civilization is long gone. The systematic arrest of the population’s senses and bludgeoning of collective consciousnesses by entities concerned with only their own end, has culminated in a misanthropic maelstrom. Thinned, blanched, and radiated elements of a planetary domain has evolved. This is the domain, of the commonly agreed upon, inhabited bio-dome we people call home. The ever so secured fact sheet of what earth is, isn’t, has been, and will become is an intensely reinforced information grid which forces the world to be separated from its very self. Layered versions of disorder support an insistence that Earth’s inhabitants are alone in a hostile evacuated space with only the authorities that are telling us what we need to know and do are keeping us safe and protected from raging hostilities surrounding and abounding. Give me break!
Belief creates reality. Real Reality is a function of Truth. The lower case truth imposed on the sentient of Earth is desperately concocted, manipulated, and incomplete.The result is lower case, incoherent, separated reality. Stories of histories and evolution don’t have to be true; they just need to be believed. This manifests in forms of reality, and it is what has been happening for generations now in this realm. The resultant stunted reality box in which we reside is like a restraint camp. The enforced, contrived, incomplete truth just keeps getting whipped on. Predictions abound proclaiming a future social collapse. There’s no pending civilization fall. It’s falling. That guy standing in the sandwich board has changed the wording. “The end is here.” now replaces the, “The end is near.”
Now. Now. Now. Fear not the now. There is nothing inherently wrong with the fall, spare incomprehensible suffering. Every end is a new beginning. Bottoming out is a realization not a set of circumstances. As the obviousness of un-sustainability of the modern grows, more and more, one by one, group by group wake up and realize the need for serious course correction. There is concurrently streaming another world event procession happening. A sustainable event procession is available. Accessing it will require definite change. Course correction is a necessary thing for a quantum shift off this disastrous event procession of objectively intensifying trouble. It is a wake up prayer away. This true and huge meaningful difference of planetary progression is also happening. HAPPENING! The eternity of present tense experience in daily life is a choice, and thus a series of choices away. It’s spontaneous awareness, not time, that makes the difference in changes to one’s world view. In this, the authorities of our broken story fall off. Take your artificial everything, and beat it. Apparently the sickening of everything has not yet persuaded everyone that we need meaningful change, although it now sure has for some.