People in Lahaina were reluctant to accept the ultra wealthy’s invitation to move. Apparently the ocean side resort mansions of Earth’s most wealth privileged should be buffered by space uniquely their own. Legislation is leveraged, favor granted, and with a flip of critical geophysical switches an anomalous unprecedented fire storm is unleashed. Almost the entire town is reduced to ash while the mansions are spared. Thusly, the town, regarded sacred by the indigenous, is rendered free space for the fifteen minute playground the ultra wealthy can exploit with their narcissism orgies and adrenochrome baths. With all due respect to the venerable people of Lahaina, but you were in the way.
People in the Piedmont of western North Carolina have been reluctant to agree with mining companies expanding their enterprises there. The people are living on a gold mine mountain of lithium. The battery manufacturing world can’t wait for non toxic extraction practices in order to supply the EV demand. There’s a mountain of lithium in them thar hills. With another throw of geophysical control switches seed planes fly their sorties into the desired weather center, microwave transmitters on earth steer a rapidly developed Franken-caine straight into the Piedmont, and blast the drop zone with a washout inland tsunami deluge that bible verse would have trouble dreaming up. So for all the people in the Chimney Rock – Asheville swath of total war annihilation you once called home, there are plans for your place, and you were in the way.