
There is renaissance of culture(s). It is experienced abundantly in the art of the times. Return again to the Beat/Hippie explosion in the U.S. Those hippies had ideals. The freedom ideal had monumental and prolific expression. Freedom, however, has vulnerability chinks. The “Free” Market pilot fished on the renaissance. Capitalistic steering and syphoning ensues, initiating a paraplegic weave of creativity and commercialism marched art systematically into facsimile and plastic. The pioneers themselves were surrounded, channeled, and milked to every available inch of production. A factory of consumption that cashed in on the works, interrupted the process, and maimed the artists. Thank Providence for the timeless gift of artistic expression. Mercy to those sensitive souls that are snared, and gobbled up, by a system that could care less. Again and again the pieces of work that we can visit, shine with a majesty no thieving jerk off can sunder. Under the once and forever guise of innocence, the true vitality, merit, and potential can respire the renaissance breath. Inhale the quality of expression the parasitic capitalist can’t identify; hold it, and let the bountiful culture of depth, breadth, and bliss continue to grow on the freedom stream from which it came.

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