Nearly a Last Gasp

We live in a gas chamber. The concentrations and chemistry is forever mixing and changing in the bubble of Earth’s atmosphere. Then one day, and many days away, another symbiotic balance came to be. Stability, harmony, and reciprocity have characterized the plan in, and through, a climactic age of lucrative thriving diversity. The chemical composition of the earth, water, and air was at once its own. In near perfect harmony the filters and functions of each and all withstood and withheld all the dynamics the perpetual adjustments of evolution. On its face Earth shone. A majestic magnificent marvel of advanced expression; radiantly attractive. The attractiveness was noticeable. All I can figure is that, among others, a race of compassionless, slightly radioactive, observers witnessed the marvel and began fantasize about exploitively laundering the glowingly resource rich terrestrial gold mine. The heist has been evolving ever since with growing concentrations of pollution. Hence a bitter odor which eventually has gassed the atmosphere with the most inhospitable stench. The invasive compassionless companions in this terrestrial biosphere effort to secure the planet’s resource fortune with every last bit of tactical injustice. As the obviousness of these affairs becomes more and more intense I scratch my head and wonder about how strong the Maya must be, and how desperate the denial must be, to ignore the toxic aerosol brew we call our air. We are basically at the point that we’re consuming the sludge off the bottom of the oil tank, and calling it chocolate milk.

For the sake of one’s own sanity, here’s a list (basically from memory) of openly reported atmospheric and weather phenomena. Geoengineering is the intentional interference with earth’s atmosphere and geophysical function. It mimics the effect of volcanic eruptions on earth’s climate. It can be done reasonably cheaply and easily; as a spray from a fleet of planes. Elements of geoengineering include solar radiation management (SRM), stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), precipitation and cloud albedo augmentation , CO2 sequestration using ocean iron fertilization, and ice nucleating for weather modification. Governments fund geoengineering research projects. Convection and hydrological cycle interference, as well as, ozone layer depletion are results of geoengineering. Geoengineering has not been deployed at scale. At scale??

Whatever you want to call it, the fact remains that the sky is routinely filled with jet plane trails in every direction, and increasing frequency news reports of the world roll in. Condensation trails (contrails) behind jet planes are the result of atmospheric moisture and upper level winds. Contrails are affecting the earth’s weather. Flash drought is all over the world. Two to three foot diameter ice balls in above freezing temperature water in the Great Lakes. Flash freezing, or rapid temperature drops of 20-50 degrees Fahrenheit are regular occurrences. Unprecedented wildfire behavior and fire tornadoes. Unprecedented deluge, and devastating flooding. Swarms of insects detected on radar like clouds. Saharan dust not only crosses the Atlantic Ocean, it turns the snow orange in Europe. Brown snow coats a town in Maine; experts say don’t touch it. Global dimming, the decline in the amount of sunlight reaching earth’s surface, is happening. Global stilling is the decrease in observable wind speeds over the past thirty years. PFA forever Chemicals are in every drop of rain all over the world (think of the scale of that). Polymer fibers are everywhere on earth, and are in the tissues of every living thing. None of this information is difficult to find. There are multiple reports on all this stuff, and more. Recently there have been unidentified drones over locations all over the place. Some identified as spraying stuff. Now it’s reported that there’s a mysterious toxic fog over like eleven states in the US, some people smell chemicals, and others feel sick. It is remarkably curious to me how anyone aware of any, or all, of these parallel reports are not at least saying, “We need some definitive information!”

We live in a gas chamber. The compassionless fascists cowardly hiding in the board rooms of central banks and corporate complexes are flailing at the wasted controls of every conceivable type. They are trying to keep a grip on the planetary bounty that has been savagely stolen by upping the ante on control programs like geoengineering. In an obviously desperate effort to avoid the accountability of liberty violation, the captains of industry are going all out to wipe out anyone, or anything, they are afraid to answer to. Which is essentially everyone. There is no quick fix for this crazily messy maelstrom. Actually, there shouldn’t be. (That’s kind of a separate topic) However, if we don’t stop apologizing for this madness, and cooperating with it, it sure will be a quick crash. The machines of control have been throttled up way passed the red line. Get the heck away from it and trying to prop up a system set up to remove us. This gas chamber is not even the only kind of attack plan set to get the sentient, the critically thinking, and the living out of the way. The obviousness of this planetary attack plan isn’t going to get less, and it’s no fun wearing a gas mask just to breathe “fresh” air. The day will arrive that many modern world control functions will stop. As interesting as these times are, a phase change is welcome. It would be great to arrive with it.

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