Care Less

News and current events have become things that are better off monitored rather than relied on. It might be just as well to forsake traditional journalism and news media altogether. Estrangement from the mind control, propaganda, and placebo that is delivered through the news might help with a head start to an authentic sovereignty. However, for the time being the news is still being monitored, and there are some devastating recurring stories cycling in the news. With now metronomic regularity the reports of intense ultra violence and war. With almost equal regularity are the reports of horrendous “natural” disasters. The hardship, tragedy, and decimation people all over the world are facing is off the chart. So societal, civic, and government leaders are charged with giving press conferences and interviews on the status of current events. Thus, these officials pop up all the time when scanning headlines and overviewing the news. There’s an attitude among these people that is consistent and telling.

In this era of political hedonism a lot of officials become celebrities. There is a lot of personality and schtick. In the midst floods, firestorms, pestilence, terror, and war the leadership provides the public with assessments, updates, news on the state of affairs, and what to expect. It is all delivered with authority, assuredness, and a type of caring. What is it, however, do these people care about? The caring seems to be a lot more about the appearance of their competency and job performance than the well being of those that are dealing with present tense trauma. There’s this combative attitude about the audacity of questioning authority during time of crisis. This utterly selfish attitude demonstrates that these people are coming from a place of extremely low compassion. There is a warning that goes with compassionless people. Anyone in their path is in some form of jeopardy. As we are seeing on a case by case basis, the authorities that have persuaded the public to trust them are struggling make it count. About their own reputations, fortunes, and posterity they are oppressively careful. About the people for whom they have a responsibility to, they appear to largely be able to care less.

Routing troublesome social leaders from their positions of influence seems mighty daunting. They are, however, by virtue of their intensifying pomposity and grossly inconsiderate responses to decaying standards of living are sure providing reasons why one might try.

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