Obnoxious Mess

The Synthetic Myth evolved out of a journal. The journaling began as a sanity and temperament tool; a stabilizing tool to help cope with the growing madness of the modern world. It has helped this journalist avoid living angry. The primary peeve was geoengineering. Having to see it virtually everyday overhead, realize with growing understanding that an intentional contamination of the atmosphere was taking place, and not be pissed off had become very difficult. As the years have gone by the anger has been, for the most part, at bay. The concern, on the other hand, has been nearly constant. Here in southeast New York on February 5th 2025 there is a winter weather event taking place. If witnessing geoengineering, and/or cloud seeding is troubling, then the last couple days have been monumentally so.

The predicted winter storm and a twenty four hour onslaught of aircraft skywriting made the sky look like a giant upside down Etcher Sketch with maniacally spastic hands on the control knobs. While the knowledge of weather modification is no longer speculation, it is no less breath taking to witness the programing operating at levels that are reaching peak. This operation has a flagrancy about it that is beyond bold. Even the stupid condensation farce is at risk. The exhaust filling parts of the sky were black; not white… black. The wrongness of manipulating natural systems in order to create a control environment is so cosmically big that it is nearly incalculable. To watch these atmospheric projects take place with the abandonment of the white cloud plausibility feature is obnoxious. In fact, the psycho social corporate misanthropes, that clearly fear organically sovereign beings exercising their liberty and freedom, have become fabulously obnoxious.

In conjunction with the, most likely algorithm driven, weather planning is a corollary forecast. The often hyped winter weather event time arrives. The planning has resulted in a schedule. The schedule is broadcast as a forecast. The event unfolds in i’s own way. Again reality looks very little like the forecast. On meteorological terms this is another “missed the mark” event. The actual is not what’s on the schedule. It’s easy to see the disorganized chaos the event looks like by checking the Accuweather radar screen. The falling material is frozen alright. It’s a frozen montage of stuff that is little more than a mess. It’s not what’s forecast in type, or amount. The controllers are out of control. The same obnoxious mess in the sky, is the same obnoxious mess falling out of it.

So for all the technology established, and used, to manipulate and control geophysical systems, the mask is all but off. From cloud seeding, to HAARP like transmissions, to faux meteorology, to all the plausible BS, we’ve reached the precipice of peak. What’s over the peak are some verities of recovery. Most likely the stupefying ambassadors of this self serving control madness are not going to throw in the towel on this exercise in futility any time soon. So, with the understanding that forms of reality begin in the imagination, the post peak experience and recovery has begun. It continues with another obnoxious mess of so called weather on the doorstep. Another reminder that these self imposed controllers are really only good at one thing; obnoxiously over reaching.

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