Wake Up and Repeat… Wake Up!!!

Truth is always being divined; constantly being disclosed. Through experiences, coincidences, symbols, art, stories, candor, mental images, and on, and on. Waking up is always important and never complete. It is enlightening to awaken, but doing it is another story. It’s most always uncomfortable, if not downright painful and scary. We’re very much accustomed and comfortable with a condition that is founded in an amalgam of truth and fallacy. A gradual imbalance to untruth, or virtual reality, leaves us at the mercy of vulnerability. Daring to face the truth requires courage. Realizing it requires actual practice. The practice is the practice of activating and trying to maintain an open mind. We’re reminded by Herbert Spencer, “There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is a proof against all arguments and cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance – that principle is contempt prior to investigation.” By degree the amount we’re able to stomach at once will vary, but consideration is key. There are not unlimited chances to get this. When the provocation next presents itself to react in contradictory maintenance of the status quo, pause…   The open minded practice lets light through remote fissures in the denial wall that’s been established by repetitive reinforcement. Awakening  begins the energetic healing process. It’s about healing individually, collectively, globally, universally. This can not spread quickly enough, for this is an age characterized by extinction, illness, upheaval, confusion, and catastrophe perpetrated with deliberate intensity. While the program of kleptocratic takeover is advanced, our response is retarded. Listen for the call, the echo, the message, the resonant truth… Answer the bell. Activate the healing. A major, massive, energetic split is at hand.

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