Man, I will tell you what… Of all the current event themes, there is one that is just incredibly difficult to reconcile. That one is the current state of plant and animal die off; extinction. The extinction rate on earth right now is critical. Observable planet earth is experiencing it’s sixth mass extinction. This majestic biosphere space ship has lost sixty percent of it’s total biomass in the last forty years. That statistic lingers, for me, unforgotten all the time. The magnitude and impression of global life loss haunts the consciousness with a sense of catastrophic depth and a growing growing massive sadness. The wonder of creation and it’s manifest beauty is being matter of factly obliterated and wiped out. Wiped out in the blink of an astrological flash. And we, the supposed peak beings of evolution, remarkably don’t even seem to realize it’s happening. Amazing!! I mean we’re still applying conventional consideration to our quote-unquote future.
Today is December 8, 2016. In the last ten days it has been reported that thousands (or acres) of snow geese died in Montana – 3.4 million poultry killed in South Korea – 700 geese found dead, Lubuskie Province, Poland – 5000 ducks killed, Tarn Department, France – thousands of dead fish, Cornwall, England – 540,000 chickens killed, Niigata, Japan – thousands of fish ‘continue’ to wash ashore, Nova Scotia, Canada – Massive fish kill ‘state of calamity’, Buhi in Camarines Sur Philippines – 300 Blackbirds found dead, Slow Creek, New Jersey – thousands of ‘strange jelly like’ creatures wash up, California – 2000 deer dead, South Dakota – 1 million pounds of dead fish wash up, Southampton, NY – 190,000 ducks to be killed due to avian flu, Biddinghuizen, Netherlands – mass die off of fish, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam. This is a list of reported die offs in the past ten days. Ten days!! Trauma; it feels like staggering trauma. Actually, reading reports seems to get compartmentalized in a sort of stat file in the mind, but whenever there are pictures associated with this news it’s staggering. These numbers represent mountains of dead.
Earth is a seed planet. Among other things the life support here has been hugely generous, with life destined to thrive and ascend here. Mountainous piles of dead is not normal. So what’s up!? The suspicion here is that the death plan is intentional. It’s being perpetrated by an extra terrestrial race. As has been mentioned before, there is a galactic presence in this planetary realm. There are ET’s that have interfered with this planet, and done so big time. They’ve genetically engineered a slave race (us) to labor for them while they exhaust natural resources including the vampiric theft of actual life energy. When you think about it, we’re talking about a huge, relentless, voracious, insatiable race of energy suckers. We’re their prey, and they have no stake in the survivability of the planet other than this exploitation. By the Grace of God these dark agents do not have the final say. Separating and splitting from the constructed nightmare darkness scenario is doable, however, it is going to be a real challenge. We don’t know our whole story, thanks to purposeful manipulation, and severe compromise. We not only have lost awareness of our consciousness power, we’ve forgotten the practices that maintain it. We are way more materialistic than spiritual. It’s not entirely our fault, but it’s a big real fact. Now we face immediate severity with broken faculties, while the survivability of our observable planet is about lost. Now what?
Nikola Tesla was an energy field visionary. He spoke of huge massive much unknown but real forces. At the quantum level these forces are about change, the likes of which, our limited minds will likely never be able to wrap around. One such energy would be an energy to split the earth. Split the earth… Split the earth… An earth split of an energetic order. These Draco ET dominators of our present observable world operate at an ugly low energy level. Nature and Creation preserve their own. The earth is destined to, and probably realizing, an energetic shift; an increase (like a vibrational energy increase). It will rise above this despotic, degenerate, sick, feed off level we’ve been enduring, and make it’s own ascension. Along with it, I’m persuaded, will go all the life forms that make, and likely contribute to, that same energetic shift. This is the surreal hope thought. All these wonderfully innocent extinctions of collateral murder loss in disgrace are not lost at all; they’ve shifted. We can’t perceive them anymore, but they reside in the restored abundance of a world that is energetically shaking the parasitic control creeps that would steal all energies of soul and resource with no regard for the well being of any common good. We see the dead bodies that were formerly animated by the living entities that have energetically moved on. Now who do I feel sad for??
The spirit entities of the plant and animal world right now have a very much enviable position compared to the human in our present state. Plants and animals really allow themselves to be lived by Life (there’s very little internal conflict). We must choose it. We must choose compassion and service to fully live our lives, thus fulfilling and realizing our promise. By doing this we’re giving Life a chance to live us. But that’s our choice. Energetic ascension depends on this. The higher level beckons in prosperous awareness, bliss and reward. For those of us that remain at this current low death level, may God have mercy.
Again, again, and again… WAKE UP!