The Capture of the Great North Wind

The Great North Wind regularly building, in the north and west, filling the horizon with the deep authority of the provisional power of creation. For millennia it’s poured out of the north with bracing strength and clean purity. So pure, in fact, that those in it’s path shield themselves from exposure and the purity burn. In the presence of the Wind there is no mistaking humanity’s humble metaphase place in the forever unfolding drama of Creation. In it’s wake is left the atmosphere of purity, virginity, health, and refreshment. In this air of deep hygiene and organic essence, everything absorbs cell depth deep release, nature exhales it’s ill to dispose while inhaling Origin’s rudiment molecule mix with birth’s perpetual promise; the promise of health support provision. Organically nature knows deference to the verity of conclusion, and the Great North Wind has provided it’s regular gifting of cleansing necessity and essential purity health support. The coordinate position is perfect. Left unmolested, there is no degree of high destiny or evolutionary fulfillment it cannot support. The Great North Wind is for and of the essence of Bio-life support and Life Giving Miracle.

The Great North Wind’s seasonal return in force has it’s familiar reminder. The defining chill, freeze ,snap, and snow. The snow. The snow? The snow! Walking across the back porch after a brief period of what appeared to be snow. Patches on the ground are covered by this stuff. It begs inspection. Just look at it. Pellets! The ground is coated with white pellets. It looks like a styrofoam mold that was scratched apart leaving all the styro-digit balls littering every where. I stop. The snow flake meditation takes hold. What exactly is snow?

The snowflake is an ice crystal. The crystal pattern is as individual as a finger print. The simple fact we learn as kids, no two are alike. When you stick out your hand and catch one, then maybe another, the flake crystals are right there to check out. If the hand is gloved the flakes don’t melt. Look, look, there, there, flake after flake land softly. What patterns?! As if the artist rendered an imaginative burst of unyielding creativity, the crystals are of complete intricate simplicity soft and innumerable, beautiful. Look around… Other than maybe sand on the beach, is there any better concept approaching infinity? The snowflake is the mystical signature crystal of the Great North Wind. Created in the magically true crystalline creation process. Masaru Emoto’s work here relates. Water is an information collector, a consciousness collector. The quality of the info, and the conscious intent affects the quality of water. Hence, the type of crystal formed signates the quality.  Higher quality positive renders more beautiful crystal, lower quality negative means less beautiful, approaching blotch like nothing ice, without any crystalline structure at all. The crystal belies the quality of the water which made it, and of the intent the water had collected. The Great North Wind’s snow crystals are legendary for their sublime intense beauty. The Wind’s pure intention is on display in it’s ravishing crystalline form. So what of these pellets!? Oh God! Oh Creation! Oh no!!

A sure feeling of prevailing fraud falls over me. Looking up through the roof window above I can see the skeletal high branches of the local tree begin to sway under the steel gray sky. I step outside, and view to the west in a growing breeze of offensive malice. Wave like cloud layers, shades of grey cover the sky. Crossing surely is a thin darker line, like would be drawn by turning one nob of an Etch A Sketch, the straight line smile of Satan’s cue. Malicious intent is on display in a vainglorious freak front approaching. A pelting sound begins, and I reach forward. Bouncing pellets ricochet in all different directions off most everything they hit, including my arm and hand. Some stick to be immediately viewed up close. It’s a pellet ball blob with no discernible crystal-ness at all. Low beauty crystal again! Conviction is sure, these are the signature droppings of a Life support consciousness imposter. As much as the Great North Wind’s intent is to help; this weather masquerading as winter means harm. This cannot cleanse. This is poison, and the gut knows it. We’re in a world of hurt that’s being systematically, scientifically, purposefully activated against us. This witness to deviant malice consciousness manifest in frozen pellets says two things. One is that I don’t need damn news stories to tell me we’re under attack. Two, something has seized, transferred, and captured the Great North Wind. Man, do we miss it now? A dark consciousness is locked in against us. Creation have mercy on us all.

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