
Life is thriving in the energetically split off new planet earth. While the dark ego agents of kleptomania perpetrate their progressively intensifying demonic plans of resource and control domination in this planetary incarnation, the higher energy response of healing and salvation is working in the next. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The question is… By choice, which energetic incarnation will we be a part of?

The formula is dismissed, yet familiar. Do right and right happens. We create our reality. We’ve been subtly encouraged to not think for ourselves, and stay with the herd. Today, herd mentality is observable in the preeminence of political correctness, denial, and idiocracy. This has us, by majority, in a phase lock of disharmony with nature. The idea that the 3D temporally observable plane of this density reality is the penultimate one has been systematically programmed into us, while the enlightenment of salvation and ascension technology has been systematically programmed out. Combine this with the illusionary time construct that is imposed on us and we have the narrow minded state of selfishness, prejudice, contempt, misunderstanding, blindness, arrogance, and ignorance that characterizes modern people, while in the meantime termination presses. Deprived of truth we drift into a sleepy malaise of inauthenticity. We’re deprived of the awareness that wrong is wrong as we provide tacit permission for wrong to take place at scales that reach limits unimaginable proportion. (The karma associated with these wrongs going to have to be dealt with, by the way.) There’s no consideration, or ability to care about, the energetic consequences of wrong doing. The dynamic energetic properties of right and wrong doing are abstract, but distinct; one leads to life and the other doesn’t.

We as a world life body are in (excuse the pun) exceedingly hot water. The Industrial Age has triggered a planetary extinction event. The course of the age became decidedly anti-life when scientific visionaries were breaking through physics boundaries in electrical field reality, relativity, and quantum mechanics. The industrial power brokers realized the immaterial turn for freedom that scientific visionaries were perceiving, The evolutionary path of ascension growth has thus been forestalled from this point by suppression, distortion, and advanced kleptomania. Beings animated by evil have exploited industry for an accelerated consumption and consolidation of earth’s resources. The Industrial Age made resource rape like a race, and now the Tech Age, on top of it, is exploited to create a virtual veil to hide behind while we all watch theater of the absurd in drug induced and confusion stupors. A planetary kill off is reaching it’s term. The negative karma and negative energy components of the kill off are massive.

Everything is energy. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So we know that for every harm there is a balance, somewhere, of healing. Look closely at the world about. Contemplation, if at all possible, is key. We’re witness to omnicide. Normalcy bias has betrayed us into taking our choices for granted. Our energetic signature is lowering, rapidly, based on the imbalance of self serving rather than service to others. Higher energies are not remote, humans have, however, chosen a loss of contact with them. Plants, animals, and even the earth herself are making survivability possible for those that choose it, but… And it’s a big but! Am I!?!? It’s time (actually well past time) to stop paying lip service to the ideas of service to others, and start doing it! Now is the time to think about each and every choice. Am I doing this to benefit me, or someone else? Which is it? Chances are that it’s some kind of combination, but we’ve got to start to get honest about this stuff. The answer to this question is the marker of whether or not my action is contributing to common good properties of the now off splitting new earth, or not. When the full quantum effect of all the consumption is realized, it will be mind blowing. The transforming of our collective current  ordinary is so far out, that static, rigid, insistent mind believe systems will be taxed to the max. Freak out is common, and intensifying. The clear case fact is this; doing right by others on any scale has no substitute in terms of benefit. The positive energy and karma reconciliation associated with this is real. It puts the server, and potentially the served, in a place of healing and increasing energetic state. It’s friggin physics for crying out loud?! Never has the importance of our personal choice seemed more important, or urgent. God have mercy on us all.

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