Memorial Day 2017

I’m sitting here in New Fairfield, CT on Monday, 29 May 2017 remembering. Remembering the people who died while serving the country’s armed forces. The memories are derived from learned history, narratives, and people who’ve shared their experiences with me. The prevailing memorial sense is about concentrated humanity, honor, dedication, valor, spontaneous and deliberate selflessness, emergency endurance, intense courage, blinding terror response, nobility, deference, and respect. Memorializing catalyzes contemplation. Thoughts impregnated with memory begin to fill in creating further thought. One thought, thinking, another thought, then another. Thoughts of lineage, context, accuracy, direction, sacrifices and the reasons for making them proceed. Into question arrives my own desire for open minded inquiry. What about the story tellers, history teachers, news reporters, and narratives of necessity? How authentic and true are the “facts” of what we’ve been told about why these people were asked to give their lives? I’ll tell you what; any lie or secret regarding war service sacrifice is disgraceful to those that made them. Period.

What should be defended are principles of well being, not the progenitors of empire that hide behind these principles. We’re not gonna go through it chapter and verse now, however, a couple high points of inconsistency and disservice bear mentioning. The sinking of the USS Maine, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, WTC 7… represent an iceberg tip of hegelian dialectic usage of creating political will for war, and thus the casualties. Clear the lens. An abundance of clarity regarding the perverted and deviant motivations of the leadership of nations, and the financial masters that direct them have been, and are, on display. It’s distortions, fabrications, conspiracies, and lies that we’re told to accept as truths and facts. From false flag to latent lie, perversion is pushed as patriotism herding legion upon legion of well meaning decent men and women into signing up, volunteering, and entering for service of “defense” of the nation. The nation we’ve all been taught to appreciate, be proud of, and protect. Accuracy beckons. The real cause of conflict is about furthering and cementing the kleptocratic dominance of control over resources both material and energy. We’ve been, and continue to be, duped. The heartlessness of exploiting good people’s commitment to good will, civic responsibility, and willingness to work for the defense and betterment of all is intense. The dead we’re remembering were actually recruited to work as mercenaries for the power grabbing cowards that have falsified their credentials as trustworthy societal stewards. They prey on on our innocence to a degree reaching levels of the cosmic. Informed memorial adjusts through the popularized propaganda bias. Clarity breeds resolve. What is a true authentic Memorial Day? How would one actively participate in really remembering those that died in service to the nation?

Imperialist persuasion has effected us all. We’ve been brought up taught imposed just cause ideas and attitudes regarding the United State’s involvement in military engagements and wars. Right now, in order to offer the deceased their due dignity, these ideas have to be summarily scrapped. The historical accuracy of familiar narrative of war and violence motivations is now in the cross hairs. Double crossing and triple crossing has been the operating normal, resulting in an aggressively unnatural flow characterized by contradiction confusion of both friend and foe. Conventional history is invalid. Integration of points of view that have been systematically suppressed, blotted out, and eliminated is the road to recovery of our collective integrity. Our predecessors of honor much deserve it.

So in memorial we seek to honor those that have died in the county’s armed services by remembering them and the fraudulent deception of their own. Let’s dispose of the insult cliche storylines developed to foster ignorance and stall relevant authenticity. Remembering not only what we’re told about what happened, but why; as well as, what we have not been told, or lied to, about. Specifics like… Oh, I don’t know… Pat Tillman’s death!? How many Pat Tillman’s are we supposed to remember because they too were taken out with “friendly fire” and assassinated before they could blow the whistle on the established criminal war force masquerading as US armed forces. The time of absolute choice is upon us. It’s either the cheap narration of fraud meant to cover up the effective waste of soldiering humanity and it’s blood, or press an inquiry beyond the audacity of shame thrust upon all of us indignantly by the cowardly powers that be. The lives of the fallen serve as a metaphor for justice and righteousness that cuts off the disfigurement reality appendages which endeavor to hold us down as we’re exploited by evil greed. It seems to me that the real effective way memorialize the courageous people would be to actively, consciously, choose to work toward a societal reality in which no more sacrifice is made to the progenitors of darkness, the perpetrators of gratuitous violence, and the desecrators of fairness and innocence.

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