Balance Inquiry

Natural order is balanced. It is characterized by unity, stability, and harmony. Eras of planetary history have their distinctions. The current concept of existence here on earth is of a basic underlying stability. The inherent truth of this is so, however, the persistent press of ego will, or hyper ego will, has created an eccentric so momentous, and so sudden, that nature’s ability to compensate has been shoved to a limit. The roiling events and telemetry of the present hour indicate a major disruption and imbalance to our system/systems. Whiplash events of deluge and drought, surplus and shortage, famine and feast. Turbulent swirls of public riot and intolerance. War and/or threatening conflict and war looms as if a perpetual ticking time bomb. We’re surrounded by the harmful impacts of chemical toxicity, polluted air and water, harmful radiation and microwave exposure. Contest, contradiction, and crisis define the headlines of the day. And while personally secured comfort zones exist here and there, ignoring the pressing perimeter of desperation, depravity, and ill requires ever increasing determination. The potential harmony existence of balanced energy and interest systems here on planet earth, now and recently, seems out of reach. The standards of near constant mistrust, disillusionment, confusion, and conflict is our norm. The thought of a world without conflict is as outrageous as, oh I don’t know, reaching the summit of Mount Everest solo, blindfolded, in a bathing suit. This is an unbalanced reality. It is symptomatic of disunion with nature.

Nature is one, of one, through one, to one. In near perfect balance and harmony, nature’s gyroscopic aspects of cosmological perfection, results in compensation and purposeful stability instant by instant. Acting universally, microscopically, macroscopically, remotely, and locally for total equilibrium maintenance. The galactic jewel is planet earth. It is the crown jewel of the galaxy, with supremely attractive and valuable resources. The living, life support earth, is the provisional wonder dome that makes biologic manifest Creation’s miracle dream of unlimited expression. The inhabitants can be, and have been, unified in the glorious real interconnectivity of all guarantees life to explode with the fullness of expression in it’s health, growth, blossom wonder, and joy. This is the abundance planet that man was introduced into at the time line bracket point of the infamous “missing link.” By the mystic philosophic schism time of the Eleatic school, the course had been set for upheaval. Man had “figured” himself to be separate from nature. Disconnect from natural truth, and the risk of struggle, disillusionment, confusion, mind/body/spirit atrophy, and peril is realized. Man’s variance??? We believe, and behave as separate from, and greater than, the balance of nature! It’s like standing up in a canoe… Then stepping onto the one side edge of it’s hull.

While nature surely knows it’s requisite aggression of food chain hierarchy, nothing compares with the blood thirsty carnage of what people do to each other, and the desirable/undesirable members of the animal kingdom. Not to mention earth’s natural resources. This is consistently our case down through the eras of recorded human history. Far beyond the diet of survival, this attack lineage is personal. Hostility breeding hostility in repeating patterns of mutilation and futility, The organic resource world, innocence, as well as, the animal kingdom are held hostage. Held hostage to a ransom the limits of which appear way beyond quenchable satisfaction. Nature, the cosmos, and everything within are inextricably linked. Self imposed domination beings, however, proudly deny this with terms of subservience and control. Not all mankind has had this disconnection disease, but the ones that do stop at nothing when it comes to obliterating the rest. GENOCIDE! The karmic, organic, and natural balance has thus been thrust abruptly, wildly, off. Mixed up confusion is all around. Discordant the sound. Conclusion at hand. The cosmic irony is that the very nature man has put under intense, viscous, unremitting attack is the same nature which constantly works to help provide healing, re balance, and harmonious salvation. It’s definitely time to embrace our failing and lost connection to the natural world. Can the defilement curse of our trained abandonment of the link to the loving host be recovered? Will balance be restored in time for survival? A flourishing world would be great to experience. To that end, rewrite the agreements of the material pleasure demand and resource domination/control programing. Forget the elitism that alienates humanity from the whole, and forces organic order out of whack. The ability to accurately assess our current state is severely compromised. Discernment is at an all-time difficult. We’re under a stupor spell. This is proving to be an intensely difficult spell to break.

What kind of crazy upside down formula trance are we in? In a world that provisions more sustenance supply than one could ever want, we’re trained to compete for more than we’ll ever need. The delicate balances of our own and our hosts’ flex. Eventually to yield. Lop side a system, lop side it more, one more push and it flips. We’re all tracing through eternity on a cosmic balance beam. Galactic history has it’s cataclysms (planet/asteroid collisions, geophysical eruptions, exploding stars, cosmic storms, space/time schisms) which blow every part of the system asunder. Cosmic eternity has the patience to provide the millennia required to rebalance, renew, and resurrect. What is the cause of the current geophysical cataclysm??? Intelligent life! (If it can be called that.) We’re so busy proudly declaring our preeminence over everyone and everything that we don’t recognize that we’ve put ourselves on the threshold of the penultimate hostility. Balance or bust!

Other than working energetic practices which counter act the ongoing mania push of the modern world, meditating on the cure, and going increasingly local to supply the basic needs; the time has come to get friendly, very friendly, with the world and everything in it. No more concentrated chemicals. No more herbicide!! No more insecticide!! No more gratuitous burning of anything!! No more killing!! Welcome formerly “undesirables” of plant and animal!! Greet everything met along the way. Hi there bug (how great is it to see pollinators these days!?), bird, varmint, bat, and beast. Hello plants of grass, fungus, brush, vine, flower, tree, and weed. Sing for the oceans, ponds, lakes, and seas: everything that swims, flies, seaweeds, corals, and crawls. Our fate is collective, though our attitude is exempt. It’s nature that is going to remediate the madness, poison, and kill. Imbalance is overwhelming us, and our world, now. The opportunity is immemorial. What is the choice? This is the time whenever it’s chosen. The decision to reconsider our own individual superiority will stand as the life liberating determinant of salvation, endurance, harmony, and bliss. Balance inquiry complete. Time to RELINK!

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