What If?

What if? What if earth’s atmosphere becomes a miasma? What if the air becomes permeated with pollution so much that there were no such thing as “fresh air”? What if the permeation source became critical? What if there was a component source which was intentional? What if one wanted to live? What if a eugenic genocide program was in effect, and turning the earth’s atmosphere into a global gas chamber were part of the program? What if waking up to it would stop it?What if?

It has been a long time since I have journaled about the atmospheric spraying that visibly takes place in the air over head. The noticeable intensity and polluted sky views recently, however, have been impossible to not acknowledge. In urban areas, high pollution impacts are expected. The normalization of pollution is sad, but common. In rural areas, especially upon arrival, the hopeful internal wellness expectation is that the environment should be cleaner, more pure. From the Northern Tier of Pennsylvania through the Finger Lakes to the Erie Canal and east to the Catskills on a recent road trip, however, on display were relentless, persistent, continuous flight plans of cloud haze trail dispersion fly overs which were remarkably overbearing.

Having become a deliberate, regular sky watcher,  I’m here to say that during the quick trip through this region, there was not an instant of sky quiet. Not an instant. The amount of material dispensed from the first sunrise greeting trail tracer over Bradford County to the late last daylight stream over Columbia County had to be staggering. Staggering!!! This is just one 13-14 hour period on a Monday late in the month of March 2018. The contemplation of this reality results in forms of furious shock, delirious confusion, perplexed wonder, ID reluctance, hope threat complacency resignation, and (thank God) renewed determination to rise above the insanity. There are certainly some innocently unaware people’s; yet apathetic ignorance, cognitive dissonance, and willful conspiratorial blindness are the dominant attitudes of the majority trapped in the programmed herd mind mentality construct. Glad to not, so much, be in that group, and spirited by knowing that legions of awakened activists are defying criticism, alienation, mockery, insult, and personal safety threats to sound the alarm and work to diffuse the atmosphere attack. We may not be too noticeable, but the resolve pressure of wellness sanity is becoming harder and harder to miss. Just like the assault from above.

From the point of view here, dismiss the plausible deniability scientific “reasons” for geoengineering. Yes, solar radiation management, ocean iron fertilization,  ‘star wars” defense systems, and world wide communications enhancement are all scientifically viable. Whatever the modern world purpose might be proposed to be, however, no fair or just morality ethic would ever allow implementation. This is because common scientific sense says it’s toxic. There is no study required to know this. The ensuing smoke screen of science bastardization is to cover for social control sociopaths, animated by darkness, that have long worked to secure earth’s energetic resources for their own. The greed of the kleptomania grab knows no bound. This is fully on display, and can be clearly recognized by getting out of the controlled narration of the propagandized false history lie. These control freaks have garnered an impressive amount of material force. What they don’t have, however, is the power of truth. That is for all of us that are finding the courage to claim it.

There is a radical race going on. Because it exists in eternity, and a free will space, the ultimate reality is for the choosing. Man, it would be great to know that enough conscious awareness would evolve to allow for the cessation of take down poisoning of Gaia; Mother Earth. It’s not a given that sufficient awakening, and wellness will, will be realized in time to avert planetary catastrophe Mass extinction is already way, way, way underway. There is no way, however, we’re all going into the abyss of illness, extinction catastrophe, and control incarceration without pointing out the flagrancy oppression of spray programs that are shredding our life lovingly traditional life support system. The resource whores lit a fire in our global terrarium of wonder and bliss, and now they are racing to keep ahead of the spontaneously awakening consciousness which will eliminate them and dark ego agenda programs with truth/reason/love light. What if today we find a fifteen minute window in a place of high sky visibility, sit, observe above, and see if there isn’t something in our survival gut that tells us it’s time to reconsider the world view that has been forced on us so insistently? What if there is a nefarious attempt to squash free thought? What if there really is a elevated life path we’re being deprived of? What if everything we think we know is wrong? What if?


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