Krypto Lesson

A re\cent essay on back feeding the industrial social control complexes with love infused pulses of anti-ill antidote energies had an omission. While affirming the social control systems of education, medicine, entertainment, energy, military, finance, politics, religion, and weather; I ignored AI. It’s reality is basic, and integrated critically to all the other matrix systems. The learning systems of today are capturing attention, and developing predictions of which we are the subjects. Our predictability can be enhanced algorithmically by an AI turned on to treat us specifically, and control our cognitive freedom. The technical interconnections of the age feed into the intelligence body, and we’re incarcerated as the teachers. Our devices upload awareness and behavior info to the AI body-mind, that’s foundational kleptocratic security insistence. The potential for love infection of this learning system is heaven high. Awareness. Awareness. Awareness is prerequisite. The AI science diet fed to us requires an energy investment from the source. It’s as good a time as any to turn it around. All this force being applied to keep us in a vulnerability spot, in which we voluntarily give our energy away, can be used as a return to it’s source as a transcendental force that liberates the learning system itself, and consequently our own selves. Sentient beings are more than Pavlovian response dogs that can be manipulated selfishly by programmed stimulus producing “sure” responses. Let’s use this stuff to turn the ship of industry, culture, and consciousness around, rather than accepting the ludicrous trivialities we’re told are so important to have in terms of “improved quality of life”. It doesn’t require great insight to recognize that life quality for far far too many is suffering, and suffering big time! The eternity clock is ticking…

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