At the risk of sounding philosophic, let’s say that there such a thing as reality. There is a planet earth, and most of us are on it. We have been on earth as a species, and we most likely are now. Here’s a story. The planet is unique. Earth has been teaming with life all over. Through it, with it, in it. The planet earth is alive, and intelligent life forms have, through the millennia, interacted with, and inhabited earth. Some of these living beings have realized earth’s potential, and have collected as much as possible for there own needs and desires. These beings are responsible for a genetic engineering practice which resulted in us, humanity. Humans are a reasonably self sufficient, reproductive species brought into existence to do work. Not unlike an inventor that creates a tool to increase productivity, so to is this human race created to be used. We’re here to work. A slave species whose energies have been considered to be property of their creative masters. Ownership which prevailed then, now, and presumably always. To the chagrin of the master class, however, we slaves have access to an eternal existence quality they no longer know. Ascension, bliss, freedom! An energy of joy which is the high reward promise of Creation Itself. The theft, and denial, of this experience, as well as it’s associated energies, has been the agenda of the slave class master rulers since inception. The perpetuation of the theft programming requires agents to be animated by antilife black field force energy. The story proceeds…