I really didn’t want to leave him. My dad is a year plus into his cancer treatment. While sitting with him on his back porch, memory after memory appeared in my presently alert lively mind theater. Early, later, late, and brand new ‘just now’ memories parade down the thoroughfare of my mind’s eye. I can see this beautifully lively guy in the version of my dad sitting here on the porch. Like so many experiencing modern medical cancer treatment, the knock down of a year’s treatment is manifest in weakness and the dulling of his senses. It doesn’t stop him from pursuing participation in life, and being who he is right now. The warm feeling of being in the company of the man that’s been a constant support through the entirety of my life journey is spontaneously inviting. In a new comfort, that is defying expectation, I don’t want to leave. The actuality of life is. There is a commitment waiting. It’s time to go. This moment comes with me in the truth of the eternal while the moment morphs to the impermanence of passing that is infinitely meant to be.
Happy in so many ways, forever eager to pursue the American Dream, on his terms, my dad is an example of some one that is known. His values haven’t been shifted by any convenient superficiality of fashion. He’s been open to change, though stubborn reluctance has patterned, by his own account, his growth. As far as I could always tell, however, he pursued that dream of prosperity with innocence, principle, decency, and tempered ambition. Fate spared this man key aspects of “stop at nothing” ambition; so he has been able to succeed in earning with honor. He helped make those around him better, enjoyed his occupation, honored his parents, is accountable, loyal, and has faithfully been a firmament of sureness and stability in support of his family. It’s a family that has never known need of basic need, while at the same time not being spoiled. This guy helped maintain a real balance of this precious proportion the entire way. We all have benefited, as dependents that have grown in our own abilities of being dependable. Awesome legacy!! If there were anyone that had earned a graciously fair late chapter of life, it’s guy’s like this! I love, admire, and respect our dad to a point of reverence that has me now captured in a moment. This too passes. Life continues; in thought, desire, expectation, commitment, and activity. Duty calls. There’s stuff that we have to do, and me too. I hope to get back to find this guy again sometime. It’s important to dig the moment… What is meant to be is… Though forever; forever passing.